Anyone Into Doctor Who?

by Kingpin

16 years, 7 months ago


No love for The JAMs? Sigh, you lot are young, aren't you?

Oh, I've loved that song since I first saw Silver Nemesis (it was part of a anniversary special documentary), but didn't see the need to comment on it.

Dosh, dosh, dosh, loads of money.

I think Tennant's favorite is Davison, hence the Time Crash short (US fans, find it - it slots a very sappy, very awesome mini story in-between Martha leaving and the TARDIS getting smacked by the cruiser.)

by castewar1

16 years, 7 months ago

Oh, I've loved that song since I first saw Silver Nemesis (it was part of a anniversary special documentary), but didn't see the need to comment on it.

It was big deal in Canada, for fans of the show - Other than whatever run they were showing on PBS, that's all we had. No toys, no books, no comics. Well, some books and comics. But really, if you were a fan of the show in Canada, you pretty much only had the show itself, and little else. I played the hell out of my import CD on that one. Can't find it, which is sad, as there's a particular version I haven't been able to find again.

by jettajeffro

16 years, 7 months ago

Fox had the option of making Who a series or Space Above and Beyond. They picked Space due to the ratings of who and having a better younger audience potential. I would have been happy if they had done at least one season with McGann. I was happy we got the online Shada to have alittle bit more from his doctor besides just the audioplays.

The Mcgann console room is my favorite next to the Tom Baker secondary room. I felt the wood and stained glass windows fit the tardis well and very HG Wells/Jules Verne steampunk. Not a fan of the more organic look, but I do like the door, a nod back to the Peter Cushing movies I think.

by misfit1

16 years, 7 months ago


I've been a fan since the 80's when I would stay up late scaring myself shitless with the sea demons and having nightmares about cybermen in salt quarrys. I look back at it now and it's all very silly, but at the time it was serious business.

I fell out of love with the franchise after the 90's movie. It just didn't have the same charm and I lost interest. I also can't really stomach Ecclestons Doctor, the storys are good and Billie Piper is always trouser arousing, But Eccleston's portrayal had me switching off within seconds. It wasn't untill David Tennant came on the scene that I started taking notice again, he has an “oldschool Doctor” feeling about him that I felt Eccleston was lacking, and while I think the quality of the storys has been steadily declining in recent seasons, I have been thoroughly enjoying it all.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, to some of the earlier comments, we don't know that much about the Doctor, as he never talks about his past. He never states that much about any family, other than a few hints to show that he has/had one, and they still tease about what his name really is all the time.

But yeah, the first version of the Doctor was not all that particularly nice to people he met, or even his own companions. He mellowed out towards the end.

The Sixth Doctor tried to kill his companion upon regeneration.

The Seventh Doctor started as whimsical, but became manipulative and calculation, not even sharing his motives with his companions.

Donna even noted the Tenth Doctor needed someone to essentially keep him in line.

He's not always a nice fellow by any means of the word, not even his current form.

Oh, and Kingpin, the TARDIS console has six sides (loved how they explained the function of it in the last episode).

Yea. They have hinted in key episodes about his past and his role in the Time War. And why he is called Doctor instead of a regular name. From what I gathered, its not a happy story which makes sense if you take the first Doctor(as has been told above) into account. What ever happened made him a bitter and hateful Doctor. Also, in the Series 4 finale it looked like that 3 eyed Daylek hybrid fellow hit a chord with the Doctor when he was talking about him with Donna and the others there in front of him. He didn't look one bit like the regular happy-go-lucky and whimsical Doctor.

Yea. He did say he needed Donna to keep him in line. I think its cuz he was never really over leaving Rose in the alternate dimension and needed somebody from making him loose his mind from the grief.

It also makes sense why the Tardis needs that many pilots cuz it beats one pilot, like the Doctor, rushing around and trying to find the right control, lever, button, knob or handle to use.

I really need to see the classic Doctors. But alas I might not have the time.

by Kingpin

16 years, 7 months ago

Fox had the option of making Who a series or Space Above and Beyond. They picked Space due to the ratings of who and having a better younger audience potential. I would have been happy if they had done at least one season with McGann. I was happy we got the online Shada to have alittle bit more from his doctor besides just the audioplays.

That was Richard E. Grant, not Paul McGann, different regenetation, too.

Rich: Ew.

by robbritton

16 years, 7 months ago

Oh, I've loved that song since I first saw Silver Nemesis (it was part of a anniversary special documentary), but didn't see the need to comment on it.

It was big deal in Canada, for fans of the show - Other than whatever run they were showing on PBS, that's all we had. No toys, no books, no comics. Well, some books and comics. But really, if you were a fan of the show in Canada, you pretty much only had the show itself, and little else. I played the hell out of my import CD on that one. Can't find it, which is sad, as there's a particular version I haven't been able to find again.

Cuh! Don't be calling the Timelords the JAMMs! keep your KLFs straight!
*he joked*
Ah but yeah, primary school disco staple right there - I used to love those cuboid daleks!

by jettajeffro

16 years, 7 months ago

Fox had the option of making Who a series or Space Above and Beyond. They picked Space due to the ratings of who and having a better younger audience potential. I would have been happy if they had done at least one season with McGann. I was happy we got the online Shada to have alittle bit more from his doctor besides just the audioplays.

That was Richard E. Grant, not Paul McGann, different regenetation, too.

Rich: Ew.

You lost me on that one Kingpin. Are you talking about the Scream of the Shalka with Richard E Grant? McGann was in the online Shada remake.

by Nix

16 years, 7 months ago

My english language teachers hang their heads in shame and i can only apologise. Way to showcase your spelling skills, bobby!

I only said that because it's something of a joke in fandom. Urban legend has it that a convention's Q&A panel intentionally misspelled his name as “DAVIDSON” and, when he took the stage, he stood right in front of the “D”, obscuring it!

by Kingpin

16 years, 7 months ago

Fox had the option of making Who a series or Space Above and Beyond. They picked Space due to the ratings of who and having a better younger audience potential. I would have been happy if they had done at least one season with McGann. I was happy we got the online Shada to have alittle bit more from his doctor besides just the audioplays.

That was Richard E. Grant, not Paul McGann, different regenetation, too.

Rich: Ew.

You lost me on that one Kingpin. Are you talking about the Scream of the Shalka with Richard E Grant? McGann was in the online Shada remake.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that one… hence my wires getting crossed. :p