Anyone Into Doctor Who?

by OniellFord

16 years, 4 months ago

Sad news, everyone:

David Tennant's leaving after the 2009 specials. And, yes, it does come from official sources, though I can't find a link right now–I thought it'd be common knowledge.

It's sad for some fans, but for me It's okay news. Hmmm…. I wonder who will be Doctor #11?

I vote Pierce Brosnan only if he shaves his beard! =P

by GuyCC

16 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, Tennant leaving is a real downer. Alongside Davison and Baker, he was definitely my favorite.

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

Until the new series started McCoy had been my favourite, but Tennant had soon stolen that place because he was such a good Doctor, shame he won't be doing another full series before he quits.

I wonder how long the show will continue to run, as he doesn't have many regenerations left.

by JerseyDevil

16 years, 4 months ago

I wonder how long the show will continue to run, as he doesn't have many regenerations left.

Am wondering if the show will stick to that rule (12 regenerations?). Based on some of the changes made to the new series, I would say no.

by robbritton

16 years, 3 months ago

it's always changeable - Doctor Who is riddled with continuity errors across the entire run! that's part of the charm!

by Nix

16 years, 3 months ago

it's always changeable - Doctor Who is riddled with continuity errors across the entire run! that's part of the charm!

Indeed. You might even say Doctor Who's canon/continuity, unlike the GB continuity, is “*on* the fritz” rather than “*by* the Fritz!” (No, no, I can get my own coat, thank you very much.)

I think the saddest part about DT's departure is the fact that, as Evergreen Park's premier David Tennant/Tenth Doctor impersonator, I'll most likely be out of a job come next year.

by DocFritz

16 years, 3 months ago

I wonder how long the show will continue to run, as he doesn't have many regenerations left.

The Master had supposedly run through all of his regenerations back during the Fourth Doctor's era, and they found ways to keep him around for a nice, long time.

In a science fiction show with characters occassionally aquiring godlike powers, they'll find a way out of it.

by Nix

16 years, 3 months ago

Doc Fritz;131045
In a science fiction show with characters occassionally aquiring godlike powers, they'll find a way out of it.

Or they can always do episodes later on which take place BEFORE he regenerated.

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

Doc Fritz;131045
The Master had supposedly run through all of his regenerations back during the Fourth Doctor's era, and they found ways to keep him around for a nice, long time.

In a science fiction show with characters occassionally aquiring godlike powers, they'll find a way out of it.

True, but we knew the Master could resort to things the Doctor would never do. It'll be interesting to see if Time Lords were truely restricted to 12 regerations, or if that was simply something imposed by Gallifreyian society.

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

Anyone catch the preview of The Next Doctor during Children in Need?

I was disappointed that the rumor of a “Seven Doctors” was just that, because that could've been awesome.

Anyway, as for TND.

Spoiler/Speculation ahead.

I figure this ‘new’ Doctor is a fraud, a phony. Someone who's managed to study the real thing a little and work together a persona, and using the fact the Doctor's always changing with regeneration to pull off the con without anyone questioning his differing appearance.

My main bits of evidence to support this belief:

1) His just chucking out every sorta reference left right and center, and being rather boastful about it. In the first three minutes of meeting him, he tells us he's THE Doctor, he asks for a Sonic Screwdriver, mentions the TARDIS and boasts about being a Time Lord.

2) Despite wearing a Cyberman-esque mask, the creature behind the door looks pretty human, and could just be someone in on the phony Doctor's game.

To what end will the impersonation bring? No idea, but like Dr. Peter Venkman said, “I can smell a bogus a mile off, and that guy's definately bogus”.