Anyone Into Doctor Who?

by Popey

15 years, 6 months ago

When i met the king….

by Popey

15 years, 6 months ago

To me, Tom Baker's a bit overhyped as the Doctor. Never saw him as the definitive one, myself. McCoy and Davison were two of the best actors to play the role after Tom Baker, and I felt they were better than him.

Troughton is my favorite. i used to hate Pertwee, but then i saw inferno and it got me into him, of all the doctors id say Colin is my least favorite but that doesnt me i hate him.

The new Who is good, but it doesnt feel the same, but each year it keeps getting better and better, its a shame tennant is going so early ive enjoyed his run, thought i was gonna hate Donna but she turned out to be amazing (shes no Jamie Mc mind).

Speaking of Tennant, did anybody else spot the resemblance? Hes even got a bent nose and the hair and everything