Anyone remember the oldest of GB3 rumours?

by Kingpin

18 years, 6 months ago

Here is the ECTO-1 of the 20's and 30's

I found this on the Internet here is the site

In the 1900 they had horse drawn carts This is a truck!

Ha hah! You see something new every day.

by fusi0n1

18 years, 6 months ago

Haha, nice find!

I'd have to agree with others and say I'm glad the idea was declined. Although it would be a funny premise if they were the ancestors of the original GB's, using old fashioned technology and whatnot (excorisms anyone?)

by matthew1

18 years, 6 months ago

I can imagine it. Former preists who were cast aside and thrown out of the church for their ungodly bad behaviour. Charging people for exorcisms and such and keeping it quiet. After they're thrown out of the church they decide to carry on doing excorcisms for money but find that their holy powers no longer work now they have been stripped of their white collars. So they approach this man who they know who happens to be a crazy type of inventor (sort of like doc from Back to the Future). He builds the contraptions and the three of them start up. Hell, we could even see the backstory of Ivo Shandor and his Gozer worshippers, who were also active at around that time.

by Savoy1984

18 years ago

Here is the ECTO-1 of the 20's and 30's

I found this on the Internet here is the site

In the 1900 they had horse drawn carts This is a truck!

That's a great picture.

by sandmanfvr

18 years ago

Thanks God they didn't do that prequel.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

I don't believe it. Probably was just a rumor.

How on God's Green Earth could they soil on the Ghostbusters name by having a movie about 30s scientist who discover something about death. WTF. That has nothing to do with Ghostbusters, so it really wouldn't even be a damn prequel.

I could have actually seen Sony or Universal doing a movie like that set in the 30s, but with it having absolutely nothing to do with Ghostbusters. Just an original movie.

by HannibalKing

18 years ago

I keep getting a feeling though that I heard this rumor before… I must have suppressed it also… I don't think it was an early rumor though, I think it was only a few years ago…

All I know is, thinking about it gives me that feeling that, well, lets let Morpheus explain…

“You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.”

by PeterVenkmen

18 years ago

A prequel wouldn;t make sense since they started the whole ghostbusting thing. A prequel would probably be about them taking an intrest in the paranormal and getting through collage, wouldn't make a good film really.

I remember one rumor, which was Venkman was killed, and the devil comes out, and Venkman comes back as a ghost to help them. Werid.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Dan's script about them in a parallel New York like Hell and meeting Luke Ciflier seemed pretty decent IMO. If Harold did another draft with Dan's treatment I think it could have worked out perfect.

Y'know, there's never been any rumors about it, but I think this would be perfect for the Ghostbusters: The 13 ghosts. Everyone knows about them, they've been in alot of movies in all. Someone accidentally uses the book of the dead to unleash the evil 13 ghosts on all of New York and it's up to the Ghostbusters to save the day. It'd be awesome if the 13 ghosts had a resemblance to the evil gremlins. I've always wanted to see the GB face the giant evil gremlins, hehe.

But does anyone know any other rumors about a possible GB3 story around the 90s?

by castewar1

18 years ago

The earliest surviving Proton Charging archive that mentions GB3 is from June 1998;

(it's so old, it hasn't even been moved to the new system yet)
Those rumours match what we've heard over the last decade (DECADE! AAARGH!)

In Sept. 1998, there is a slight anomaly, when there was a rumoured UK article that called the third movie Ghostbusters: Lost Dimension.

The earliest surviving month on the original GB message board is January 1998, and on the 29th, Zen Zenith posted a link to the old Coming Attractions website (operated by a dude here in Vancouver, until he sold it some years back to Cinescape.)

The oldest rumour on that old site was September 15, 1996;

The only problem is that it has no backup, or corroboration at all - Coming Attractions was often just unsubstantiated rumour. But if nothing else, we can assume Dan's part is not too far fetched, so he had a version of the script hammered out in the Fall of 1996.

Now do you younger fans see why the warhorses here are very, very cautious about getting too excited, too quickly?

And if you see, can you please explain it to Patrick.