Anyone remember the oldest of GB3 rumours?

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Damn that must have took a lot of searching.

One of the links from ‘98 said Ramis was going to co-write and direct it. Another mentions “Ghostbusters: Lost Dimension”, and said it would be a mix between Phantom Menace meet Lost Dimension. Let me take a second to thank God that he did not happen.

Damn, this last one from ’96 is the most detailed. Dates all the way back to over a decade! Chris Farley as a GB….RIP, he was a good comedian, but I'm glad he didn't make it as a Buster. Will Smith and Conan O' Brien….hmm. Oscar as an adult GB. I read Ms. Weaver turned down another chance? What? She didn't want to do it either?

Boy, thats some REALLY old news. Yeah, remind me not to get my hopes up.

by castewar1

18 years, 1 month ago

Damn that must have took a lot of searching.

Nope, that stuff rattles around in my head all the time.

One of the links from '98 said Ramis was going to co-write and direct it. Another mentions “Ghostbusters: Lost Dimension”, and said it would be a mix between Phantom Menace meet Lost Dimension. Let me take a second to thank God that he did not happen.

That's 1998 castewar sarcasm - The name for the first Star Wars prequel had just been announced. Sub-names was very popular at that point, so Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Ghostbusters: Lost Dimension. I wasn't saying it was a mix of the two, I was saying that it wasn't going to be Ghostbusters 3, it was going to be Ghostbusters: Subtitle Name.

Damn, this last one from ‘96 is the most detailed. Dates all the way back to over a decade! Chris Farley as a GB….RIP, he was a good comedian, but I’m glad he didn't make it as a Buster. Will Smith and Conan O' Brien….hmm. Oscar as an adult GB. I read Ms. Weaver turned down another chance? What? She didn't want to do it either?

Boy, thats some REALLY old news. Yeah, remind me not to get my hopes up.

Don't read too much into those - they are, as the thread says, rumours. None of those were confirmed very well, and since it's been ten years or more, people's minds could have changed several times. I posted these mostly for a sense of history, and a bit of a chuckle, not as serious information to consider now.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Lol, well thanks.

I see GB3 will NEVER lay to rest unless it actually happens.

by d_osborn

18 years, 1 month ago

I was saying that it wasn't going to be Ghostbusters 3, it was going to be Ghostbusters: Subtitle Name.
WOW…good call!