anyone selling a pack?

by Some_Guy

22 years ago

I know many of these topics have been locked, but I tried Ebay for 5 days straight, and and nothing. If anyone out there has an UNFINISHED pack, I'll take it..

by ghostbusta27

22 years ago

I have a pack, unfinished, email me -

by GBFan3333

22 years ago

NOBODY'S GONNA GIVE U A UNFINISHED PACK!!! either u build one or bye one off from norm. regular's are 500 and one wid lights and stuff is 690. DO SOMETHING!!! :l(

by Some_Guy

22 years ago

GBfan3333, I can at least try. (I'm 14, where can I get over 500 dollars?) and ghostbusta27, I'll e-mail you when I get home from school.

by EctoSlick99

22 years ago

I probably sound like a hypocrite when is ay this but building a pack with determination is easy. Trust me you'll feel better once you fasten the plywood backing to an ALICE Pack. From there it kinda..falls together. But then again..i bought my pack from someone and refurbed it so I didnt really build one.

by Some_Guy

22 years ago

I tired building my own pack. I can't get anything, I'm always busy. Right now, all I have is 1 inch dia. piping, green wire, red wire, split hosing, and a few push button switches. I have had them for over a month and a half…I just have no time to make one. :l(

by EctoSlick99

22 years ago

If you want a proton pack. Get an ALICE Frame and build an EGB one. It's easier to make (Basically some sheet metaland a rectangular board), and it's fun, and new. Once I'm finished re-wiring and building the LED PC boards for my Movie Pack I'm probably going to make an EGB pack. I figure you simply cut some plywood to fit the width and length of the frame. From there you paint it primer gray. Then get about seven soda cans and paint them Primer Grey with some yellow tags. You want to fill the cans with some sort of resin or cutty and screw them to the pack (Just look at a picture of the EGB pack), from there you make a metal facade and tin boxes for it. Just go scope out a picture of the EGB Pack from the cartoon (Not the toy one) and you'll see how easy and fun it is.

by ProtonCharger

22 years ago

“I can't get anything, I'm always busy. ”
thats garbage. im in college and i have a deadend job. and i have a girlfriend. ive made two packs, ecto goggles, a giga meter and i just bought stuff today to make another pack.

you know how much i spent on my last pack? no more than 50 bucks. yeah. 50 bucks. so there's no excuse for wanting to spend 500 on a pack someone else made. in addition, i can say my pack is my pack. i built it and it feels awesome to wear. because i did it, and i didnt buy one from some one else.

thats why im a prick. i like what i build. i wont buy someone elses, because if i can build my own, you should build your own. plain simple.

by Some_Guy

22 years ago

Oh, and by the way, When I do get free time. My parents are A) at work B)Not taking me or C) Yelling at me So, Still, I'm screwed.

by EctoSlick99

22 years ago

If you have no time or transportation, and no money then your S.O.L. and dont complain about it. There's packs on Ebay every now and then. Just be patient and scout about. Most go for like 100-250. Or so I've seen.