anyone selling a pack?

by ProtonCharger

22 years ago

“Oh, and by the way, When I do get free time. My parents are A) at work B)Not taking me or C) Yelling at me So, Still, I'm screwed.”

three very stupid excuses. if anything you could do it when your parents are pissed. just do it. and deal with it. because there really isnt an excuse.

by EctoSlick99

22 years ago

He's right. They are stupid excuses. Making a pack requires 200% effort.


“So what now Brainiac?”
“I'd like to perfome some gynological tests on the mother.”
“Who wouldnt?”

by Some_Guy

22 years ago

I would do it, if my parents are pissed, BUT I HAVE NO SUPPLIES. AS I said, I have wire, a pipe, hosing, and 4 switches, I can't even make the frakin' gun! NO WOOD. Why cant you understand that?!

by EctoSlick99

22 years ago

You dont have 20 bucks and a hardware store near you? The wood it takes to build the entire pack and gun is a little under 20 bucks.

by Some_Guy

22 years ago

Checked Sears, Checked Smitty's. Only place is Home Depot. and that's 20 minutes away, by car.

by EctoSlick99

22 years ago

20 Minutes? The nearest hardware store to me is atleast 1 hour away. I simply said “ I need a ride to home depot.” and she told me when she could do it..and I waited till she could do it.

by ProtonCharger

22 years ago

another reasonable hint is you dont even need wood. i used house for sale signs from home depot. costs 8.99 for one, but it works like a charm. if you like mushrooms go to superwalmart and ask your mom for a couple containers of shrooms, they must be in a plastic tray. in any event, you still have no excuse, you could always walk, and the signs are light.

by EctoSlick99

22 years ago

Yeah. Plastic or metal from K-Mart or Wal-Mart will work. I actually just talked to a guy who said he used Rubbermaid objects to make the proton gun. And his gun came out better than mine. My only advice is drag your happy butt down to a store and look around for stuff that might work. :l( :1( |

by Some_Guy

22 years ago

Wal*Mart and K-Mart are even further then Home Depot. and when I do ask my dad goes, “in a little while” I wait, ask again I get “No, not now. tomorrow.” I wait unti; tomorrow, “Not now! I'll take you tomorrow!” He just drags it on…and on… and my mom (because my sister is annoying) has to drive all over the place (i.e Dance class, her friends house) So she's usually not around to get me there either.and I WOULD go, But It's snowing like crazy outside, all month it's been crap weather.

by ProtonCharger

22 years ago

then if its such a bother to have your parents bring you to walmart, what makes you think they'll bring you to the post office for a pack you bought that weighs alot, and you spent way more for one made by someone where you could do your own for alot less. where are you even going to get the money if your parents are too busy with other things and paying for your sister?

when you have GOOD answers then come back and say “here is how im building my pack. because you guys were most definetly right.”

and ive never been wrong.