anyone selling a pack?

by EctoSlick99

22 years ago

He's right. How do you expect to get to the Post Office to pick up a pack someone mailed you? Because you do relize United States Postal Services doesnt deliver boxes to your door. They mail you a letter saying they hav ea package for you to pick up. Thus how do you expect to get to the post office?

by Some_Guy

21 years, 12 months ago

Fine…might as well not argue… In about 4 years my pack MIGHT be done…

by ProtonCharger

21 years, 12 months ago

no, you really shouldnt argue.
considering, it took ME FOUR years to GATHER materials for my pack. i started mine my FRESHMAN year in HIGHSCHOOL and didnt finish until halfway into my FRESHMAN year in COLLEGE.

your last statement added into your other “im lazy” excuses and just pissed me off. as far as im concerned, IF YOURE NOT WILLING TO DO ATLEAST SOME OF THE WORK ON YOUR OWN YOU DONT DESERVE A PACK.

im done replying here. it might help you to mature and grow up a bit before you come around asking anything about packs.

by Some_Guy

21 years, 12 months ago

Ok..ok.. You guys were right.I thought about it. I was being an @$$. I'm sorry. Next time I'll do some work then ask about a Pack. You guys forgive me?

by knight2007

21 years, 12 months ago

Hey now hang on a second here guys. The mans only 14 years old. If he has his obsticals at home or even his age being the problem, I dont think that is the opportunity to strike at him. :f I have a 13 year old brother and I know how confined and restricted one can be at that age. I'm 21 myself and can get around so building my packs and other gear was no problem. But i think we should help support him in the kindest way possible without denouncing the unfortunate problems in his path. Remember hes a ghosthead, just like the rest of us. Lets think of ways to help each other out and benefit our goals to obtaining the ghostbusting gear we need to be the best out there. :s

Whether in the same room or billions of miles apart, we are all one family. Helping each other out to be stonger, happier, Ghostbusters. Peace

by ProtonCharger

21 years, 11 months ago

maybe you didnt read all we said?
in no way shape or form did we down him. we told him he could build his own for cheaper than buying a 200 dollar waste of money. in fact, if you took time to read this whole topic you would have found there really wasnt an excuse as i am 19, and it took 4 years to make and build my first pack, starting my freshman year in highschool yada yada yada.

ive built two packs. one last year, one year after my first pack was built. and it only took 3 months, and it looks way better than my first attempt. its useless to ask to buy a pack because you can do it on your own, you just need to want it enough.

also, since he's 14, and has such trouble to get to the store, where do you think he'll get the money to purchase a halfway finished pack? i know you are selling one for 200 dollars? more? oh, ok. i dont think you'll give a ghosthead discount on your morph pack will you.
didnt think so.

last edit.
i also know someone who was just greased on a pack recently. if anything he should recieve a ghost head discount if anything.

by Mat

21 years, 11 months ago

cardboard; a godsend. It's what I'm building mine out of (well that and about 10 rolls or more of tape and other greeblies…long story) If you try, you shall succeed and heck, cardboard can be made too look professional with a lot of patience.

by EctoSlick99

21 years, 11 months ago

I bought a pack once. It was cardboard and it fell apart in a day, Mat. Dont waste your money. Use Styrene plastic if you're going to be that cheap.

by ProtonCharger

21 years, 11 months ago

im sorry, i couldnt stop laughing. mat, whom often gripes that i have no props on this site and because of that i have no idea what im talking about calling me a “mrknow it all” is making a proton pack out of cardboard. fantastic. im really sorry but that is the lamest thing ive ever heard.

styrene plastic is definetly what you want to do, its 8.99, easier to cut(as cardboard has these fuzzy cardboard peices that wont go away, and has holes in the sides when its cut.) and doesnt bend too easily. also, if it just so happens you get something wet thrown at you, or poured on you or if it rains, you wont be so pissed that all the time you spent on that cardboard pack is down the gutter.

by Mat

21 years, 11 months ago

money? I'm building it out of what I have and this thing IS sturdy. when I finish it, I'll put up the list of strange things I used on/in it (and pictures of course; pictures too prove the doubters wrong), besides if I don't use all this crap for something it's going too end up getting thrown out; trust me on this; cardboard can be strong if assembled with care. Someone in my sculpture/3D class thing built a cardboard chair that held up 300 pounds without sagging even an inch. Too prevent fluffyness, use an exacto knife…too cover the grain, cover the surface in tape and 3 or 4 layers of acrylic paint (which also adds strength and somewhat plasticizes the thing.) Glue and tape the boxes (done before painting of course), spraypaint, adjust; with a creative mind it can be done and produce decent results. the wand itself I intend too build from wood. needless to say, my methods are unorthadox and unique hence the varrying view points.
Hey, Ninja, when did I call you a mr. know-it-all? I have no recollection of this event.

“and because of that i have no idea what im talking about calling me a ”mrknow it all“ is making a proton pack out of cardboard. fantastic. im really sorry but that is the lamest thing ive ever heard.”

lamest thing you ever heard huh? nice comment, It's been used like a million times on here, how odd that you should use it my witless Ninja friend. I don't care if you think it's lame, when it's finished we shall see and, I could care less about your brainless, nark-infested yellow bellied mal-neurotic moronic inseminated and opinionated editorials. I'll have you know you mallot-headed weasle that I'm building it too pass the time. I have a three day week and it sure beats sitting on my arse all day. If you have a problem with that, I pity (did I say pity, I meant could care less about) you and your adjusted-one focused unoriginating creativeless mind. This thing isn't going too fall apart, it's not going too resemble cardboard when it's finished (should that day ever come) and will work for what it's intended too do; look good on my back. My advice too you: lighten up and maybe you'll crawl (or claw) your way out of that dead end job and learn too look at things from alternate perspectives. Thank you and goodnight.