anyone selling a pack?

by ProtonCharger

21 years, 11 months ago

oh mat. it was a nice try. but you have failed to insult me.
you have called me a mr.knowitall in the prop boards, and you brought up that i had no props on the site. you tend to look at my profile and base an opinion of that on my stuff. because of your lame retorts then, i submitted my uniform, now is the waiting game of it being posted, for you and your pals to mock and rate lower than what it is, because you all are probably going to rate it low. and jokes on you, because i could care less aboot it being rated.
i dont feel the need to send in my props because i dont care what people think of them, i did this to prove i know what im talking about. and in my humblest of opinions i think cardboard isnt a good idea, i dont care how many times it was used. how much tape you put on it, it still will get ruined by water. do what you want. i still think its lame. work you ass off like you say, get it wet and watch it all soak away. good luck with that.

here's some future notes for you.
i am a ninja deal with it, i flip out.
i am far from creativeless. you can hack away at cardboard all day with an xacto, with experience( i used cardboard on an older pack, and ive used iot for my other hobbies) you would know you wont get straight cuts. infact, it takes creativity and intelligence to make custom props, because one who does so has to find the correct alternative to items on the pack, size everything, do things on the fly, and follow plans to a degree. if anything, you lack in creativity. so go look at my profile read my quote and find more crap to whine aboot to me. because you cant. as far as im concerned, i dont care how your pack turns out anyway. in time i'll be proven right.

by Mat

21 years, 11 months ago

straight cuts can be achieved with a marvelous invention called a ruler. I never once looked at your profile, I simply read what you wrote earlier in this message; I had no intent to insult you and I forgot what I was going to say next :O meh, once I see proof of your know-how I'll take back what I've said I just have a thing against people who offer mainly negative criticisms too people and I'm quick too defend my claims…It's who I am…It's what I do.

by ProtonCharger

21 years, 11 months ago

good luck with the spacer if you make it out of cardboard, thats what i used cardboard with on my first pack. didnt turn out good at all.if its what you got, fine and dandy but i recommend making another pack following that one. because after i used styrene for my second one, there wasnt any use for my cardboard peice of crap.

i dont want to get pics up, i'll get some pics and email them or something, im not weak to put my props to be rated and need someone's opinion, i like them i know they look good. im making 3 more.

by Mat

21 years, 11 months ago

completely understandable I actually found the spacer too be the easiest part and for some reason, it was the box making that made me want too rip my hair out. so far the thing looks pretty good; better than I thought it'd turn out. fun part's going to be the gun. at least I have a 1:1 scale diagram too work from and It'll definately be made out of wood; cardboard wouldn't work very well for it.

by borzou99

21 years, 11 months ago

I've been reading the past few replies to this thread. Please try not to flame. Thank you.

by Mat

21 years, 11 months ago

I'm pretty sure the small flames were/are extinguished now now where did I-ah, here they are (keys) I shall go re-furbish myself with cafeteria food (even though it all tastes like cardboard, kinda ironic really )