Anyone smell a sequel?

by cpm72586

15 years, 7 months ago

I'm sure this has already been discussed on other threads, but as everyone knows at the end of the game it's suggested that the nameless rookie Ghostbuster (ok Peter calls him Scooter) will get his own GB franchise to run in another city, perhaps hinting at another GB videogame. Now I loved this videogame and think it's one of the better games I've played in a while and really has some high replay value. However I'm not sure how well a sequel would work in another city without the original team being present. It's kind of like how if a GB3 is made they can't really make another one after that with a new team. It's just not Ghostbusters without the originals. So does anybody want to see another game without the original members? I'd love to see another game because the first was so good, but it's a tough sell without the original cast. Maybe we could get them back one more time. *crosses fingers*

by DkiDClue

15 years, 7 months ago

im lead to believe they recorded both games all in one session, one themed on or around GB1 and another around GB2


by jogi82

15 years, 7 months ago

if they do another gb game like this, i can imagine that it is set nearly after what happens in this game! so they have the original cast (in videogames they cant age)! in the next movie i can imagine that they are passing the torch to a new team and work only as a trainer to help them to do the job! bec<ause in the real world the cast has been aged 25 years so the story must play around ….now!

by heslimedme251

15 years, 7 months ago

DkiD Clue;152689
im lead to believe they recorded both games all in one session, one themed on or around GB1 and another around GB2


and you heard this where? the game ties into the events of both the movies in some fashion.

by jpwhittlebred

15 years, 7 months ago

Well, I for one wouldn't mind the sequel without the guys. Don't get me wrong, these four are untouchable. ANd I would LOOOOVE another round with the four back (maybe dlc?). However, look at the Pros: First, the game can be made faster, since they don't have to deal with all the actors' schedules (maybe use one or two of the guys to help out guide you). The sequel could continue the story without going against the continuity that might be foiled with the third movie (when will we hear the official word about this!? Is anyone going stir crazy as I am after that awesome game!?). We can see the iconic license tackle another city and their landmarks. Finally, how awesome would it be if you can customize your own character? I dunno about you guys, but to have a li'l Whittlebred avatar in beige? AWE-some!

At any rate, I'll take anything, so let's go, TR. Gimmegimmegimme!

by superstarseven

15 years, 7 months ago

You could have just edited your post.

by pinkandblack84

15 years, 7 months ago

this has been discussed before and to be honest i would welcome another addition to the GB franchise with another game, hopefully voiced with the original actors again or taking the rookie and opening up his own franchise both scenarios would please me but tbh i think the likely hood of seeing another game wont be happening for another 2-4 years time.

The reason i would say that because if GB3 does actually happen then everyone is going to be busy on that project and not worrying about another GB game unless it directly related to GB3 so in all honesty the only i would even expect to be made now would be GB3. if of course the movie happens.

However it's still only been a short time since the game came out and myself i've gone back and replayed the story mode over and over again as well as multiplayer so im in no rush to see another game made i would prefer they take there time and make the next installment longer and just as good as this one. I think as well DLC is a way to go and i would think eventually some will be released for the current game.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 7 months ago

Ghostbusters boosts Atari earnings!

I just found this article at
“Atari confirmed yesterday that Terminal Reality's paranormal action game has exceeded sales projections, having shifted more than 1 million units in North America since launching on Microsoft's, Sony's, and Nintendo's platforms on June 16.”

That’s good new right?;title;1


by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 7 months ago

I do smell a sequel in about 2 years… and I mark 2 YEARS (I don´t want a sequel on 2010, with not too much improvement on graphics, a silly story, nothing new), but I think that the actors couldn´t lend their voices again… I mean, one time was funny (and lucrative), but doin´ it once again… and maybe a third time… they could find it repetitive and boring… I DO want another Gb game… but I can wait 2 years once again.

by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago

As I said on GBFans, I'm not a fan of a new game not following the New York franchise.