Anyone wanna see my New Real Ghostbusters Website?

by rabidsloth18

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, I finally started. I have posted a Real Ghostbusters website, you can view it at
How is it? Its my first website, so I'm no pro, but I like the way it came out. I am far from finished. Anyone have suggestions, good or bad. You can sign my guestbook if you want. Thanks, Matt (Rabidsloth)

by spengs1

21 years, 7 months ago

Its not bad. I like it, good sites are always in the making. So sure it could some work.

by rabidsloth18

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, I'm still updating all the time. I have a lot of work to do. I have grand plans but It's going to take time. Check back frequently as i republish and update a lot.

by petervenkmanfan1

21 years, 7 months ago

This is a cool, good and original site to a certain point then the originality just kinda stops. I like the design of the site, the photo gallery you have and episode listing with title and description, but all the info (the bios) you have up on the guys, Janine and Slimer has the uncanny resemblance of what petefan (formerly vgirl) has up on her GB86 site. In essence it could be argued that all you did was find petefan's GB86 site, saw her bios of the guys, Janine and Slimer and simply copied and pasted it for your site. Don't steal the hard work others like petefan/vgirl went through to create excellent sites that their still working on to make them even better. I've know petefan for a long time and know how much effort and hard work she put into her Pete Fan Site and GB86 site and find it wrong that the bios greatly resembled what she wrote about the RGB's. I'm not trying to put down your site and hope I'm wrong, but being that you created this site go as creative as you want with it. That's what creating sites is all about. Putting as much creative you in it as possible.

by spengs1

21 years, 7 months ago

If this is true, plagurism will not be tolerated.

by petervenkmanfan1

21 years, 7 months ago

I visit petefan's site very frequently, but went to petefan's GB86 site just to be sure about what I read in the bio's on rabidsloth18's site and I can tell you Spengs that all of the info rabidsloth18 has for his/her bio's of the guys, Janine and Slimer is exactly the same info that petefan has of the guys, Janine and Slimer on her site (and her site has been around since 1997).

by WrappedinBarbs

21 years, 7 months ago

I like that the site has the theme song playing in the background

by rabidsloth18

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, you guys are right, I investigated what you said. This is in fact true. but I am not to blame, well maybe partly for not investigating it myself. When I'm at work and can't work on my site my brother helps by researching and typing on my webpage. He apparently being the 13 year old that he is thought it was ok, to take these descriptions. I thought he would write some for me, but apparently he got lazy and decided to cheat and cut and paste. I thought he was a genious for writing such good descriptions. Now I see what happened. Thanks guys for clearing this up. Is there any way I can talk to petefan or vgirl, do they have an e-mail address? Thanks. will be waiting for your next post.

by vgirl

21 years, 7 months ago

I took a look at your site and it looks pretty good. The profile matter: No harm, no foul. You're welcome to keep whatever info you feel reflects your view of the character up. You only need to post a link to the site All the rest is up to you. I think you'll still end up with a pretty good profile page when you revamp and get a chance to work on it yourself. I look forward to seeing more of you work on the site. Next time just doublecheck what your lil bro does.
And thanx for the compliment on the work on the profiles.

by rabidsloth18

21 years, 7 months ago

I'm so glad you feel that way, I am truely sorry. I will post a link directly to your site tommorow. Thanks for being considerate. (and my brothers going nowhere near my computer now) Matt (Rabidsloth)