This is a cool, good and original site to a certain point then the originality just kinda stops. I like the design of the site, the photo gallery you have and episode listing with title and description, but all the info (the bios) you have up on the guys, Janine and Slimer has the uncanny resemblance of what petefan (formerly vgirl) has up on her GB86 site. In essence it could be argued that all you did was find petefan's GB86 site, saw her bios of the guys, Janine and Slimer and simply copied and pasted it for your site. Don't steal the hard work others like petefan/vgirl went through to create excellent sites that their still working on to make them even better. I've know petefan for a long time and know how much effort and hard work she put into her Pete Fan Site and GB86 site and find it wrong that the bios greatly resembled what she wrote about the RGB's. I'm not trying to put down your site and hope I'm wrong, but being that you created this site go as creative as you want with it. That's what creating sites is all about. Putting as much creative you in it as possible.