Anyone watch "Pushing Daisies"?

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 3 months ago

But let's put smiles on our faces as we tune in at 8/7 Central on ABC.

I knew there had to be a reason I wasn't aware of this. That's same same air time as Knight Rider on NBC. Though after reading what this show is about I might DVR it and watch it later.

by robbritton

16 years, 3 months ago

Also, doesn't it have Anna Friel in it? reason enough for anyone to watch, i'd have thought!

by pf4eva1

16 years, 3 months ago

Tonight's the night for another Pushing Daisies adventure. Daeg Faerch is back (in black, :-)) as schoolboy-outfit wearing Ingmar Todd. (Schoolboy outfits just remind me of Angus Young and AC/DC for some reason. :-)) He's a very good child (early teen) actor and well on his way. Stephen Root continues the Dwight Dixon storyline he has been driving since “Dim Sum” aired Oct. 29th. I guess he's a regular until his arc is over with.

If Daeg nor “Milton” are the big draw tonight, the Wonderfalls crossover is. Beth Grant will reprise her WF character Marianne Marie Beetle from the episode “Muffin Buffalo.” This PD episode, entitled “Comfort Food” airs tonight at 8/7 Central on ABC.