Anyone willing to sell the following if they own it?

by Eduardo

23 years, 3 months ago

First something I missed out on in my youth:

An RGB Ghost Trap (Always wanted one of these but never got one it would be sweet to finally get my hands on one after all these years.)

Then something I missed cause the stores near my town suck:

An EGB Proton Pack and/or Trap (this would be so neato-sweeto!)

If you have these and are willing to sell them e-mail me with the prices your willing to sell them for.



by S.Venkman

23 years, 2 months ago

I have both…

The trap is in great condition- the wire is a little wrinkled- but still good.

And I dont have the wire for the proton pack…I dont even know if I wanna sell them- (childhood toyssmile) but maybe we can talk…if you want?? Like I said- there not mint but in good condition.

by creed

23 years, 2 months ago

eddy go on ebay and you could get one of the traps for 10-15$ thats where i got mine,my storys the same as far as suky stores go.

by SpiffSupreme

23 years, 2 months ago

I have both, but can't guarantee good condition.