
*“Wishful thinking”? :-)…But if this is the way all this is
really going , then I firmly believe it's going to blow royally…
*Apatow and his crew, Stiller, Black, and 90% of the other names thrown around over the last over 10 years or so are of “popular-at-the-moment” ilk… Actors/comedians that specialize in “toilet humor” and “slapstick”, just - in my opinion - can't and won't capture that unique “subtle/dry humor” of the first two films…All those aforementioned actors are good at what they do, but in their own mediums…And the “Ghostbusters-Brand” just isn't their schtic…
*And in the end I could be wrong - Stiller has been “reserved” in a few roles, as has Jack Black…But as long as Apatow is involved I smell trouble…What do I mean exactly? Straight from the horse's, er Apatow's mouth:
Discussing the balance his films strike between R-rated vulgarity and a more wholesome sentimentality, Apatow explained his position as, “I like movies that are, you know, uplifting and hopeful…and I like filth!”
and :
Apatow credits Rogen for influencing him to make his work more “outrageously dirty.”
*Sound like a man capable of delivering an “authentic Ghostbusters sequel”? Nope…Maybe back in the mid-'80's or even the VERY early ‘90’s, but his head has been in the gutter since 2003, and as a result is quite possibly the worst choice for a GB3 short of Platinum Dunes & Micheal Bay…
*Just look at it this way - The “Ghostbusters Phenomenon” as it was, died out after GBII didn't do as was expected…Yes - Batman, Indy, and the others basically BURIED GBII at the box office…But what did everybody hinge the “failure of the franchise” on? GBII…It's because SONY saw how it fared against not only the movies of that year, but how it fared against the original film, and deemed it a “dead franchise”…They shelved RGB and all we got was a short-lived spin-off 6 years later, and a few minor things here and there when SONY saw the opportunity to make a quick buck…
*Now we're quite possibly getting back to a similar state of what was the “GB phenom” way-back-when, with news of the new products and goodies coming out just about every other week, and ALOT to look forward to considering, would you want all of this to go away prematurely cause of a hacken-eyed, malaligned attempt at making the Ghostbusters “hip and current”, and flopping at the box office? After SONY waited this long to take another chance on it?
*I know I don't(*peter)…
*I know that
most people over the age of 18 will want to see it because of the actual ghostbusting, classic character interactions, and the witty one-liners from the likes of Murray and co….Not the vapid “gay” and “penis” jokes that are “oh-so-subversive” and like huh huh “cool” of the Apatow camp…And as such if it again goes the route all the media outlets say it's headed, then we might just see the “death” of the franchise all over again…