Apatow Productions Officially In Charge Of Ghostbusters 3

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

I actually really like the idea of Janeane Garofalo as Janine…she has the same type of wit for lack of a better term.

*Janeane G with a forced “brooklyn” accent? Can't see it…And even then all talks to date have been about an actual sequel, and not a reboot …

No love story pleeeease. Half the love, twice the busting.

*Agreed…The “Dana/Peter” subplot in the first was handled with care, however in GBII it just got to overtly sappy…I want actual ghostbusting and not a “date movie with ghosts”…

This is the best statement when it comes to this movie being made in my eyes. I too remain excited but guarded about the prospect of this film being made. I just dont think Aykroyd, Ramis, and Murray would allow the movie to become a toilet humor stoner film.

*Let's hope they have that “creative clout” on this one…As it stands it seems be SONY pulling all the strings…I mean it's crazy enough Harold and Dan weren't tapped to write the script for a new movie, but were welcomed with open arms for the game…

Doctor Venkman
I hope all these pictures are meant to be taken as these guys playing new Ghostbusters, and just put together as a way for us to see what they would look like in uniform, cuz I'm not at all in favor of replacing the cast.

*The real question “How long is it going to be before these fan-made pictures get leaked to mass media outlets, and taken as ”real"? It happened already to one similar artist on GBFans…

yes but what you're saying about Apatow also describes the original ghostbusting team AND ivan reitman before they made Ghostbusters.

They stepped up and removed the slapstick and overt ‘vulgarity’, for want of a better word, that had been a key part of their movie work prior - why shouldn't the Apatow crew be able to do the same?

*Yes - But early-day SNL, SCTV, and movies like “Animal House” are a far cry from Apatow fare like “The Pineapple Express” and the like…The old stuff seems almost tame in comparison…I mean was Belushi cracking “gay” jokes every time he had a chance?


by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

*Janeane G with a forced “brooklyn” accent? Can't see it…And even then all talks to date have been about an actual sequel, and not a reboot …

I was talking less about accent and more overall apathetic attitude.

by slimer3881

16 years ago

why did this have to happen…. WHY!?

im not seeing this movie if Seth fuckin Rogen is in it…forget it. fuck it. this was my worst fear. and it fuckin happened. my most awaited movie since childhood, ruined. and its not even made yet. i dont care if i sound judgemental and whiney. i absolutely hated all the Apatow films, and now their gonna be working on the next GB movie? oh jerk me off. im gonna hate this movie. and i really didnt want to.

just sounds like Disaster. its two different, types of Comedy, Ghostbusters = Sarcastic/Tongue In Cheek/Witty, Superbad = Obnoxious, Pie-In-The-Face, Dirty, TRYING TOO HARD.

Ofcourse the Apatow crew isnt writing it, but still, their brand of humor is miles away from original layed back SNL/SC-TV style. not to mention the Apatow's acting styles are too forced and arnt funny at all.

Im with you all the way, Ectofiend.

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

*At this rate we're going to have to turn to video games exclusively for our “authentic Ghostbusters fix”, and not it's “birth-medium” of cinema…

*And while I'm perfectly ok with that, seeing the original GB's in their prime, albeit CGI, it's kinda silly that we're not going to be able to go into a theatre of all things and be treated to “Ghostbusters proper”…

*Cause we all know that even if we - the actual die-hard fans - hate it, it'll still make zillions of dollars, if not due to just sheer “casual movie-goer curiosity”, and we'll be treated to another 6 more “just barely” GB films…

*And if I'm proven wrong, then I honestly hope I am…I'll be a happier person for it…I hated EGB at first, but it quickly grew on me 10-fold…I just don't see the “lightning striking twice” with this particular proposed “new team” formula…Especially with Apatow at the helm…

*And yes - He's only listed as the “producer” thus far…But don't forget the heavy hand Bernie Brillstein had in helping shape the first installment…


by Dr.D

16 years ago

Didn't Rogan say he WON'T be in it?

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

Didn't Rogan say he WON'T be in it?

*Well he did say these two things:

Seth Rogen, who has been a rumored new Ghostbuster, is completely not in favor, or so he tells Collider.
“It’s hard to imagine that would be good, isn’t it? I mean just as a movie fan I am the first guy to be skeptical of that. It sounds like a terrible idea when you first hear it. At first hearing it sounds like the worst idea ever. I dunno. Maybe. I mean, that would have to be one motherfucking good script.”

Q: But you’ve worked with Ramis before. If he was involved would it be harder to say no?
It all depends on how bad the script was. (Laughs.) There is a point where it’s so bad it’s really easy to say no. I have enough insulation around me now that I don’t have to say anything.


“Sounds fun, though – I'm psyched about it … but are you sure I'm not playing Slimer?”

*I still wouldn't doubt it though…Not by a mile…


by 9sam11

16 years ago

If this is true this is incredibly disappointing. I love the apatow movies, but they should have no involvement in GB3

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years ago

To be honest I really don't know how I feel with the whole Apatow crew involved in anything Ghostbusters related let alone the third movie. They have a very obscene reputation of film making, and gave us some unique actors… I personally would rather them stay away from the film all together. I don't have a problem with what movies they release to the public, but more on the type and classification of movies they give us. Like others on the board I feel the Apatow tone is just slightly off from what Ghostbusters truely is or represents. But saddly as much as a fan I am and if this movie manages to hit theators, my curiosity is going to better of me and i'll risk seeing it. I know the whole new team sernerio has been done once, but the more I think about it I also feel that what other way could they really go? I had a few thoughts but most of it leading towards passing the tourch. Myself I don't agree with them being replaced but lets face it the boys are achiving older age now, and well like every other heroe that faces that coming up retirement time they consider taking on new recruits to carry on their life work at one point in time. Again I don't like the idea but I guess it's acceptiable if it's done. Ah crap, why couldn't Danny and Harold just write the whole damn script, they did the video game did they not?

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years ago

Let's not forget, Apatow was a producer on one of the greatest, yet short-lived cartoons of the 90's “The Critic”.

To all the folks who are roid-raging over Apatow's involvement: shut up, rent/Netflix “Freaks and Geeks”, and then thank me later.

by robbritton

16 years ago


How is that so hard to grasp? It will never suddenly be a stoner comedy - these folks are businessmen as well as comedians, as if they'd jetison all the reasons people like the films in the first place!

And on another note, the first two would have about half the interest without the love story element. It's integral to giving a damn about Peter Venkman.

I'm shouting at echos, aren't I?