Apatow Productions Officially In Charge Of Ghostbusters 3

by cowboyspike1

16 years ago

Just for the record, I didn't mean to imply that Janeane would play as, as well, Janine! I just meant as a new secretary if they brought in new GBs.

Oh and I think Paul Rudd would be an excellent choice to fill in Venkman's shoes. He's not an over the top comedic actor, like Jack Black or the other saps.

by Andreas

16 years ago

What about this young actress (*1981) as a female ghostbuster …
Remember her from GB2?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

What about this young actress (*1981) as a female ghostbuster …
Remember her from GB2?

Who is she and what part did she play in GB2?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago


How is that so hard to grasp? It will never suddenly be a stoner comedy - these folks are businessmen as well as comedians, as if they'd jetison all the reasons people like the films in the first place!

And on another note, the first two would have about half the interest without the love story element. It's integral to giving a damn about Peter Venkman.

I'm shouting at echos, aren't I?

You and me both, brother… you and me both.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years ago

What about this young actress (*1981) as a female ghostbuster …
Remember her from GB2?

Is she the girl in Egon's lab (from whom he took away the puppy)?

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

Is she the girl in Egon's lab (from whom he took away the puppy)?

*Yes, and Ivan Reitman's daughter :-)…

How is that so hard to grasp? It will never suddenly be a stoner comedy - these folks are businessmen as well as comedians, as if they'd jetison all the reasons people like the films in the first place!

*Because Hollywood is notorious for throwing key details and such out the window to cash in on a current trend or fad…Especially when concerning sequels…Well and remakes…

*And again, if I get proven wrong with this possible installment, then I seriously hope I am…Then you can tell me to eat my hat I swear :-)…

And on another note, the first two would have about half the interest without the love story element. It's integral to giving a damn about Peter Venkman.

*I personally like Peter Venkman regardless of what love trist he's involved in at the moment…I mean it worked in RGB him not having a “central love interest” did it not?

To all the folks who are roid-raging over Apatow's involvement: shut up, rent/Netflix “Freaks and Geeks”, and then thank me later.

*I mentioned that show over at GBFans in an identical topic Crimson:
*Ghostbusters “material”? Hardly …Some of his early work like "Freaks And Geeks“ and the old ”The Ben Stiller Show“ I like…And even ”Anchorman“ I liked, but that was mostly due to Will Ferrel's presence…But everything after that? Bleccch…The later stuff has it's place, just not in a ”Ghostbusters“ movie…”Spoof“ - Maybe…”Real Deal" - Absolutely not…

*And I also loved “The Critic” …However keep in mind all this was before 2003 and the “current Apatow” fare…


by Andreas

16 years ago

Is she the girl in Egon's lab (from whom he took away the puppy)?

Yes, Catherine Reitman, the girl with the puppy …

by rodie1

16 years ago

*Yes, and Ivan Reitman's daughter :-)…

*Because Hollywood is notorious for throwing key details and such out the window to cash in on a current trend or fad…Especially when concerning sequels…Well and remakes…

*And again, if I get proven wrong with this possible installment, then I seriously hope I am…Then you can tell me to eat my hat I swear :-)…

*I personally like Peter Venkman regardless of what love trist he's involved in at the moment…I mean it worked in RGB him not having a “central love interest” did it not?

*I mentioned that show over at GBFans in an identical topic Crimson:

*And I also loved “The Critic” …However keep in mind all this was before 2003 and the “current Apatow” fare…


Sorry to burst your bubble broseph, but you can bet that there will be a love story. I remember reading that they put one in the game because of how integral it is to the story. Besides, how many movies are there without love stories? Go through your collection and I guarantee like at least 85% have a love story. Although I don't think it will be Venkman in this film, but rather one of the new recruits. As for your worrying about GB3 turning into the sex/drug comedy, obviously you have reason to be worried, but I remember reading that Sony was interested in making more family oriented films, hence one of the reasons Ghostbusters is back on the fast track. I agree with your reasoning with Hollywood, but I know that all of the original cast and Reitman highly regard Ghostbusters. I really can't see them approving a script with Seth Rogen with doobie in mouth dry humping a passed out Jonah Hill in the back of the Ecto-1.

by slimer3881

16 years ago

its not the script or how the characters are written, though. Its the actors themselves, their style of comedic acting is miles away from the sarcastic GB style humor. if you put them in that universe, it would be off kilter with the deadpan delivery of the original cast. thats what the Anti-Apatow Brigade is trying to say.

by robbritton

16 years ago

Yes but it's actually exactly the same really, isn't it? You're honestly telling me Paul Rudd isn't from the same ‘react with incredulity’ school as Bill Murray, to name but one example?