Apatow Productions Officially In Charge Of Ghostbusters 3

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

its not that its biased, we all have our different tastes, and we understand comedy has evolved, BUT, take in mind were talking about GB, and that GB has created its own brand of humor, so the next film will surely have it and maybe even improve upon it, so that still makes it a complete 180 of what the new generation of actors are capable of, Face it, these actors really dont work with having funny characters that work well with each other, each movie they've been in, has all the characters just being a bunch of goofs, and not really sharing or developing any chemistry, sure they all had different personalities but there was no flavor.

as i said before, none of those actors have that spark of charisma either, they pretty much play themselves, remember lines and expect it to be funny, instead of making it their own to make the film and characters more enjoyable. So how can they even be up to taking on more developed characters in a witty comedy like Ghostbusters?

I don't think Ghostbusters created its own brand of humor. It used the subtle style that was popular at the time and ran with it very well.

I agree that a lot of the Apatow crew plays similar characters quite often, but Paul Rudd as an example, has done other things and does not “play himself and expect it to be funny”. Watch something he's been in that wasn't an Apatow production, since you seem to hate them, and see what you think of his other stuff.

And also, the Apatow guys have chemistry. That's why they're always in stuff together and have been for a long time. Its not just Apatow parading his buddies out there. He has chosen actors who have a distinct chemistry. They work well together, and adlib a lot of stuff that ends up being hilarious, and other stuff doesn't. But blatantly saying that they have no chemistry and that they're one note actors who just memorize lines and play themselves is a biased opinion. Its saying that you're judging them solely on the big hits of recent like “40 Year Old Virgin” and “Knocked Up” and “Superbad” without taking into account the other stuff they've done.

Once again, just because Apatow is involved does not mean this will be a typical Apatow production of late. The man does plenty of stuff that is hilarious that isn't all about stoner and potty jokes. Watch “Freaks and Geeks” for a perfect example. Yes it has some drug related humor, but it has great, heart-warming stories and also extremely funny.

Ghostbusters will never be a potty joke, drug filled Apatow-epic. The rights holders will not let that happen. If Bill Murray has been holding out for this long, because of the script, and that he wasn't happy with Ghostbusters II because of the script, its completely insane and asinine for people to think that he would allow Ghostbusters to become a stoner comedy, and that he would sign off on making that movie. It won't happen.

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

Well, many of you will be pleased to know that this whole fiasco has turned out to be a load of crap:



*All this back-and-forth is for naught now anyways - As Rodie pointed out the head honcho at Columbia said that Judd's not involved…


by Brendan_M

16 years ago

Wait until June, we'll know …

by RickyM

15 years, 12 months ago


apatow aint doing it apparently,

(sorry if this has already been shown)