Are GB Fans being Stereotyped as Geeks & Nerds?

by BigMac

16 years, 8 months ago

I have a problem with people thinking that because someone is a Ghostbusters fan that makes them a geek or a nerd. I was wondering if any of you might be affected by that stereotype of GB fans being geeks and nerds. And if so are you annoyed by it?

Just curious to get other peoples take on this whole GB Fan = Geek / Nerd subject.

by Chad

16 years, 8 months ago

I really don't think so. And, to be honest, it is going to be up to us. Come as you are. The Ghostbusters Message Board is only going to grow. The fanbase will determine – by itself – what it wants to be.

We can only sit back and enjoy the fact that there is a group of people together that really enjoy Ghostbusters, in all its different shapes and forms. And, for that, will address.

2008 is going to be a great year!

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 8 months ago

Well, whats your definition?

I mean, would a nerd know the atomic weight of cobalt?

Would a geek know how many eggs fry themselves on Dana's counter?

Its all relative, boys. But if you think you wanna be a “tough and cool” GB fan, good luck. Its no different than any other movie or TV fan base. The long and short of it is you're a fan, obsessive, or not, of a fictional story. So much so, that you make props, dress up, buy toys, or make fan films for.

Accept your geek hood, man, its ok.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

“Nerd” had a completly different definition during my school years and I must say that it is surprising how things turned today. It's like a new fashion today, something that is “in”. If we consider “nerd” someone who likes to study and use his head, who likes to discover new things and think twice when the situation requires it, someone who is true to himself and logical, despite negative elements, human toward a person… then I must admit, I have nothing against the term (*egon)

by mdp872105

16 years, 8 months ago

I'm the same way. Truth be told I'm glad people call us nerds or geeks or what ever. Because now people know that the geeks and nerds are the ones with the true power and abilities. Nerds are the ones who knows whats going on and act on it.

Plus let me say this we have a passion for ghostbusters a show about the unknown and technology that is far beyond our comprehension but like Star Trek fans we use our passion for our favorite movie or series to guide us in our studies and further ourselves so we may become more like our heroes and better the world. Now think about this people who call us geeks and Nerds have no passion in anything or if they do its some sport. Which only encourages them to progress only in that sport or physically. Providing nothing to anybody.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

I'm glad people call us nerds or geeks or what ever. Because now people know that the geeks and nerds are the ones with the true power and abilities. Nerds are the ones who knows whats going on and act on it.

Translation: “I, with my powerful brain, shall rule those ‘primitive muscles’, with the help of my ‘secret-intelligent-weapon’!” :p :-)

Naaa, I don't agree with how things are said; we all have qualities and qualifications for something; it's when we choose to do something for the better that a positive change follow; everyone who wants to learn is able to accomplish something. A nerd/geek is only a term made to represent someone who is more intellectual… not someone more “intelligent” or “wise”, if you prefer.

like Star Trek fans we use our passion for our favorite movie or series to guide us in our studies and further ourselves so we may become more like our heroes and better the world.

I won't use GB to become more spiritual, that's for sure. And when we'll be able to trap a soul, like taking a bottle out of the fridge, it'll be hell on earth :-)

Now think about this people who call us geeks and Nerds have no passion in anything or if they do its some sport. Which only encourages them to progress only in that sport or physically. Providing nothing to anybody.

I know what you mean, but I say it's only true for some people; sports or physical activity develops in us an other aspect of communication.

by jettajeffro

16 years, 8 months ago

Every Joe on the street has to have a little nerd or geek in them, because it seems like everyone loves Ghostbuters, more than Star Wars or Star Trek. When our group does events, we have a positive reaction from people of every walk of life. When you have anyone from soccer moms to guys with very impressive grillz telling you how much they love Ghostbusters, it's proof everyone and anyone can and does love it. I think the basic premise of down on their luck guys trying to make a living is something people can wrap their mind around alot easier than talking carpets and bumpy foreheads. Though science was the back bone of the movie, there wasn't alot of technobabble usually associated with geeky things, and what little there was, was completely ridiculous.

The only bad reaction we've had from anyone at an event is strangely enough from people dressed as Wars or Trek characters. Alot of that comes from them having to explain what they're supposed to be to people. Pretty much everyone knows Ghostbusters, and if they don't, they assume we're either cosmonauts or exterminators, which is close enough.

I think the only ghostheads that could give any type of negative connotation are people wearing their suits to get the mail or telling people they're looking for ghosts and taking it way too seriously. However on the opposite end of the spectrum, people who think you're really a business are the best till you have to crush their dreams and tell them the truth.

by Chad

16 years, 8 months ago

jettajeffro speaks the truth. Well articulated.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

Pretty much everyone knows Ghostbusters, and if they don't, they assume we're either cosmonauts or exterminators

:-) I remember the guy in the parking, two days before halloween, he followed me slowly in his car, looking carefuly at my pack, he asked me if I was an exterminator :-)

The strangest thing happened with a family. The parents didn't knew what I was supposed to be even if I had the logo! As a joke, I asked their little kid if she knew what my costume was… and she answered “ghostbusters”! :-O

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 8 months ago

Sure, i'm a geek. I'm a nerd. What of it? people call us geek's and or nerds and I say “Thank you.” to that With out geeks and nerds we would have technology today. such as TV's and Computers. hell even Video Games.