Are GB Fans being Stereotyped as Geeks & Nerds?

by hutch2426

16 years, 8 months ago

It doesn't bother me one way or the other, but we are fans of Ghostbusters. It's not real life, it's fantasy. There's not one of us who throws the pack on an actually bust ghosts (well most of us anyway :p ). We like the movies, games, and etc. I think to base a decision of whether or not someone is a nerd by judging them on what they like in a movie is just purely primitive. Big Mac I wouldn't even sweat the small stuff like that brother. Just keep on keepin on! :-)

by eatingfood1

16 years, 8 months ago

I'm a nerd and proud of it. only thing that annoys me is ppl (Who dont know what I've been thru) telling me to move out of my Mom's basment. I'd Like to tell them lots of stuff I cant say here. :-) And so what if I live with my parents. It's really none of there bussinus. mind you, this crap only happans online. for THEIR sakes, they'd better hope to God that we never meet in the flesh. But the best thing you can do is just flick them off, and than ignore them.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 8 months ago

I´d been called “freaky” when they see how much I love the franchise and also when they see my not-so-big collection.
I don´t give a $#¡+ about it. I´m a Ghostbuster and proud of it.

by Frosty

16 years, 8 months ago

I'm a nerd and also a fan of the Ghostbusters franchise. I think you can be one without being the other, but I just happen to fall into both categories.

It is what it is.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 8 months ago

I´m not a nerd, I´m a metalhead, wearing black tees, biker boots, used to have long hair, but I will shave my head soon (damn baldness!!).

by jay_tigran1

16 years, 8 months ago

I'ma geek and proud of it

by BigMac

16 years, 8 months ago

I´m not a nerd, I´m a metalhead, wearing black tees, biker boots, used to have long hair, but I will shave my head soon (damn baldness!!).
I too had long hair but cut it only about a week ago. Not because of boldness (luckily) but because of stereotyping, people would look at me like I was some sort of criminal or total a$$hole or something because of it. It was ruining all my chances at succeeding in life.

Funny part is that the next day after I cut my hair I was at a diner and some lady sat next to me and started offering me food and she said I looked “adorable” (*ray) . If I had not cut my long hair just the day before she would have completely ignored me or told me to get away.

The strangest thing happened with a family. The parents didn't knew what I was supposed to be even if I had the logo! As a joke, I asked their little kid if she knew what my costume was… and she answered “ghostbusters”!
Since I made GB logos for my car doors I have been noticing that random people catch on to it. Like older people who been around since to movie won’t even know what the hell the GB logos stand for while others do, it’s weird. It’s like some people’s memories have been erased of things from the 80’s.


But back to the matter at hand, GB stereotyping. I was chatting with a friend of mine on Instant Messenger and we were talking about girls. I mentioned (mainly for a joke) how funny it would be to pick up a girl in an ECTO-1. And my buddy said No, girls don’t like Ghostbusters, not hot girls anyway. Then I showed him that clip of Boomerjinks when he was doing that interview for the news about his ECTO-1 winning the Colorado car show. Because in the interview he said that his ECTO-1 was a girl magnet. Than my buddy that I was talking with said he meant nerdy and geeky girls, not hot ones.

Only geeky and nerdy girls would be attracted to a guy who’s into Ghostbusters. Why is that? Because a guy who is a GB fan must be considered/stereotyped as a geek and or nerd himself.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

There was a day, a long long time ago, where we WEREN'T considered amongst the same ilk as Trekkies or those tards in the 501st. But I fear those days are numbered, or gone entirely, and this is why.

How are we supposed to NOT be looked upon as run of the mill cosplay nerds when we got the likes of this guy representing the fandom at comicons. I mean, Jesus Christ… Words escape me…

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 8 months ago

I´m not a nerd, I´m a metalhead, wearing black tees, biker boots, used to have long hair, but I will shave my head soon (damn baldness!!).
I too had long hair but cut it only about a week ago. Not because of boldness (luckily) but because of stereotyping, people would look at me like I was some sort of criminal or total a$$hole or something because of it. It was ruining all my chances at succeeding in life.

Funny part is that the next day after I cut my hair I was at a diner and some lady sat next to me and started offering me food and she said I looked “adorable” (*ray) . If I had not cut my long hair just the day before she would have completely ignored me or told me to get away.
Same happened to me since I cut my hair… but, what the hell, metalhead to te bone!!!!!!! \m/

Bo Holbrook

Sic him!

by Only_Zuul

16 years, 8 months ago

Arrrgh mah eyes! The hair… the hair! I'm going to have nightmare's now thanks :-( Anyway on topic, depends how far you take it, if your allways quoting the GB's and you wear the uniform/pack/etc for anything other than a bit of fun once in a while then, yhea you might get called a geek/nerd. But alot of my freinds are sport's type guys, rockers, artists, and they are all GB fans, and do enjoy the odd quote. (also every one of them has a ghostbusters shirt, see them in it from time to time too) (and if wearing the shirt make you a geek/nerd then i dont wanna be normal damn it. :-) )