Are GB Fans being Stereotyped as Geeks & Nerds?

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

I don't really consider anyone a geek or nerd in the fandom until they start quoteing there fandom left and right, or if they say it's better than anything else. I knew a guy who said everything was better than Gundam Wing and I got sick of it. I'm all for opinions and all, but there's gotta be line if they just randomly come in while me and my friends are talking about the Rocky films, or Dragon Ball Z and say, “Gundam is better”.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

we were talking about girls. I mentioned (mainly for a joke) how funny it would be to pick up a girl in an ECTO-1. And my buddy said No, girls don’t like Ghostbusters, not hot girls anyway (…) Only geeky and nerdy girls would be attracted to a guy who’s into Ghostbusters. Why is that? Because a guy who is a GB fan must be considered/stereotyped as a geek and or nerd himself.

:-) Are you kidding me?! The only reason why your friend told you that “hotgirls” are not attracted to the movie is because of this! :-)

(and there's many more :p )

Each time there's an image of a hotgirl, the forum fall into confusion :-) (^_^)

Ohhh, hot girls, they are there, oh yeah, our calandar says it!

And to my taste, all girls are hot!

by BigMac

16 years, 8 months ago

Bo Holbrook

How are we supposed to NOT be looked upon as run of the mill cosplay nerds when we got the likes of this guy representing the fandom at comicons. I mean, Jesus Christ… Words escape me…
Yeah that there is most of the problem, bad people representing Ghostbusters. In return making us all look like crap. We need decent people who are GB fans to make others realize that not all GB fans are trash.

People need to get that image of a GB fan being some ugly geekyass boy or girl out of their heads. There are normal looking and normal acting people who like Ghostbusters and boys and girls shouldn’t be ashamed to say that they’re in a relationship with a GB fan.

And as for that conversation I had with my buddy on Instant Messenger I don’t see why a “hot girl” wouldn’t go for a man because he drives in an ECTO-1. I mean she might feel silly getting driven around in it but I don’t see why she would judge the man driving it based on the car. If she looks and says “wow that guy is in a Ghostbusters car, he must be a geeky nerdy person” than she is stereotyping. He could be a great guy and simply just living out his dream of driving a car like the one from his favorite movie. No reason to assume he’s trash over it.

by jettajeffro

16 years, 8 months ago

I'm getting confused now, so only the most beautiful people are able to represent GB's now? Guess I need to retire then, or at least switch to contacts. I believe it should be how they act, not how they look, that makes or breaks us.

by BigMac

16 years, 8 months ago

I believe it should be how they act, not how they look, that makes or breaks us.
I totally agree with that. But I feel that other people see it as all GB fans being creepy geeky nerdy people.

I think others just imagine a GB fan being a weird geeky and nerdy person which is not true. Not saying if you are a geek or nerd or not the best looking person that you can’t have people knowing you are a Ghostbusters fan. Just that others need to realize not all GB fans are geeks and nerds. And I think the only way to really do that is to have people see more GB fans who look normal to the general public.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

Yeah that there is most of the problem, bad people representing Ghostbusters. In return making us all look like crap. We need decent people who are GB fans to make others realize that not all GB fans are trash.
Not saying if you are a geek or nerd or not the best looking person that you can’t have people knowing you are a Ghostbusters fan.

Ok, this guy is not the top model of the world, but I realy can't understand how he is making me look like “crap” or “trash”.

And there's no “decent gb fan”, that's a stereotype.

People need to get that image of a GB fan being some ugly geekyass boy or girl out of their heads. There are normal looking and normal acting people who like Ghostbusters and boys and girls shouldn’t be ashamed to say that they’re in a relationship with a GB fan.

In the movie “Pan's labyrinth”, the girl placed a “root” under her mom's bed, to cure her… errhh, did you sleep above some negative moodslime last night or did you simply have a bad day? I mean, realy, I never heard before that people saw gb fans as “geekyass boy/girl”.

There are normal looking and normal acting people

he looks civilized, despite of his hair, to my view… of course, who knows if he doesn't turn into a werefolf during the full moon! :p :-)

And you said it yourself: hair shocks people! :p :-)

And as for that conversation I had with my buddy on Instant Messenger I don’t see why a “hot girl” wouldn’t go for a man because he drives in an ECTO-1. I mean she might feel silly getting driven around in it but I don’t see why she would judge the man driving it based on the car. If she looks and says “wow that guy is in a Ghostbusters car, he must be a geeky nerdy person” than she is stereotyping. He could be a great guy and simply just living out his dream of driving a car like the one from his favorite movie. No reason to assume he’s trash over it.

moodslime or a bad day :p


Realy, I think you're a bit hard on the subject.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

I want you all to rest easy knowing that Nightsquad is rocking it hard, and doing our best to not nerd-up shit when we represent at the conventions. Observe.

I challenge you to find a group that looks cooler than us. We represent, and we respect.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

LOL The “hairpicture” now sounds like a propaganda to throw “we're the beautiful… and only… ghostbusters” :p :-)

by BigMac

16 years, 8 months ago

Well I guess you just don't have the same problem as I do NewRecruit. Maybe where you live in Canada people are more cool about stuff and don't have a problem with judging people by what they like even if it is Ghostbusters.

Nobody seems to be experiencing what I'm talking about with this whole GB stereotyping so I don't know what else to say. Guess I just live in a crappy place where people need to judge others because they like Ghostbusters. And have people think that because a car has GB logos on it's doors there must be a creepy geek/nerd behind the wheel.


That's really cool Bo, like the black suits.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

I would like to state for the record that people here in Pittsburgh seem to love the Ghostbusters routine. I have not experienced the Ghostbusters Discrimination some of you have. But i'm sure that'll change if people like Afrobuster up there keep rearing their giant heads across the landscape. I'm trying to keep the level of awesome high and the nerd level low. But 4 people can only do so much when new fruit-loops are popping up out of the woodwork every day with their bad hair, big glasses and terrible skin.