Are there any English Ghostbusters?

by jay_tigran1

15 years ago

ZOMG He's Dr. Manhattan!

Does that mean we have to see his green penis?

by JamesCGamora

15 years ago

You just HAD to go there…didn't you Jay

by Jack

15 years ago

Didn't you hear, Kingpin was in a terrible nuclear accident. He has superpowers and everything now…

Awesome! Can he shoot lasers out of your eyes and fly? Stuff like that?

by Kingpin

15 years ago

Does that mean we have to see his green penis?

ZOMG He's Dr. Manhattan!

Nope, it's Dr. Chicago.

And no, I can't shoot lasers or fly.

But I can kill you with my mind at thirty paces.

Yes, it is a homage to the ghost clones in Citizen Ghost.

Before I forget, the GBUK: Elite is more of a tight-nit group, so there isn't likely going to be any openings any time soon. The U.K. Ghostbusters operates a bit like ‘Ghostbusters International’, if you're aware of that. All UK ghostheads are welcome to join should they have a suit and some equipment to wear at public events.

by heslimedme251

15 years ago

…should they have a suit and some equipment to wear at public events.

Says Dr Chicago in all his nude, radioactive glory. (*egon)

by Jack

15 years ago

I can kill you with my mind at thirty paces.


Yes, it is a homage to the ghost clones in Citizen Ghost.

Before I forget, the GBUK: Elite is more of a tight-nit group, so there isn't likely going to be any openings any time soon. The U.K. Ghostbusters operates a bit like ‘Ghostbusters International’, if you're aware of that. All UK ghostheads are welcome to join should they have a suit and some equipment to wear at public events.

Yeah, I read about them, you send a picture of yourself wearing your stuff, and they put it on their website.

by jay_tigran1

15 years ago

You just HAD to go there…didn't you Jay

You should pretty well expect it from me =P

by Nix

15 years ago

ZOMG He's Dr. Manhattan!

Nah, it looks more like he's one of the Ambassadors of Death from Doctor Who.

by robbritton

15 years ago

Yep, that's what I mean, and thanks for the help!

Wotcha! there are also those of us here in Blighty who aren't affiliated with any particular groups and just like to potter around and read the news and boards!