Are there any GB Mods for games besides Doom2?

by stantzman62

22 years, 5 months ago

I'm Wondering if there are any mods for games besides doom2. i saw something for jedi knight:dark forces 2 and I can't look at it. the link is down or something. thanx smile

by Dawrochben

22 years, 4 months ago

If anyone actually sees this post try going to They had the original DF2:JK Ghostbusters multiplayer mod and I think a single player mod was released too. Someone make a weapon and skin pack for SWAT 3!

by Ghostbusterz

22 years, 4 months ago

I have a GB Website (one of the oldest and the best in the net, but it is forgotten just like the Ghostbusters in the second Ghostbusters moviesad…But I am updating it as much as I can lately…In a few days, my new layout will be finished!) which contained GB Doom…I will host and other GB Mods such as Ghostbusters Blast! and Ghostbusters WAD.Stay tuned at:
GHOSTBUSTERS HOME PAGE by Armandos Stylianakis! ;-)

by TheDarkGuardian

22 years, 2 months ago

Id like to a see a modification to Unreal Tournament….cause its the only good game i have…and good mods have been made for Unreal Tournament to…like Tactical Ops

by Fenix

22 years, 2 months ago

it would be nice with an Unreal mod smile