Are there any plans to start up again or...

by Chad

19 years, 5 months ago

Yes and Maybe.

by ChrisSpade

19 years, 5 months ago

…possibly downloadable? (looks shifty-eyed)

by Chad

19 years, 5 months ago

…possibly downloadable? (looks shifty-eyed)

Definately not downloadable, sorry. But, again, the videos are old hat. Been there done that, it's time for Ghostbusters online to take the next step.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 5 months ago

Definately not downloadable, sorry. But, again, the videos are old hat. Been there done that, it's time for Ghostbusters online to take the next step.
The next step? You mean you're gonna re-create each RGB episode as part of a live-action tv series! AWESOME… kidding.

It's understandable, streaming and viewing is fine, however it doesn't look that good in sony's eyes having them freely available. They're not going exactly going to rush to get it to DVD (although they should!)

by Godfart

19 years, 5 months ago

No reason not to screw big business when you can get away with it. Big business wants to screw the working man (not that I've ever held down a job).

by gbmasterman

19 years, 5 months ago

No reason not to screw big business when you can get away with it. Big business wants to screw the working man (not that I've ever held down a job).

Ya …….. until they screw you and throw you in the happy house. Sony does moniter these message boards, and the other Ghostbusters sites. They would immediatley shut doewn Chad's new site if he put video's up for download. I know of a propper who had been producing gun boxes to people so they could build proton guns, and Sony sent him a notice saying he'd better stop or else they would use legal action on him.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 5 months ago

My vote goes to Quicktime…

by missygirl8520001

19 years, 5 months ago

Yeah I have to agree with that as well. Quicktime seems best.

by gbmasterman

19 years, 5 months ago

Chad, are you able to reveal when the new GBN could go live? By the end of this year? Sooner/Later?

by Godfart

19 years, 4 months ago

Assuming you ever get those episodes working well, I'd like them to be available for Windows Media Player (because it's always struck me as being the easiest to use and least screwy, and Realplayer IIRC is bad for the computer, anyways).