Are We Being Pranked?

by Slimed84

16 years, 4 months ago

I have a feeling that the fans of Ghostbusters are being taken for a ride because there are all of these rumors and release dates floating around the net.

For instance Activision still has the website for the game running and a release date of 10-31-08. The game was dropped by Activision on July 28th so wouldn't that give them enough time to remove everything associated with the franchise?

As we all know Gamestop and EBGames have removed the sku from the their database but that hasn't stopped us from finding numerous release dates elsewhere.

Here is a list of release dates that I have found while browsing online:

1. Amazon -6/30/09

2. - 12/17/08

3. Circuit City - 10/21/08

4. Target - 10/21/08

5. GameCrazy - 1/31/09

Just recently I visted another fan board and a member called GhostbustersBigDawg posted the following: “Hey guys, im back from Vaca, bit any way, i went intot he Mall in NJ where iam originally from and they had an advertisment out for it to be released Halloween Day………Fuckers are playin wit us badly.”

To read the post go here:

Now while I feel the post could be true I will wait until we get the info from an official source. Could all of this bullshit that we have been put through be a marketing strategy?

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

Why places like Activision haven't taken down old dates is fairly simple, they haven't yet gotten the new date. Sometimes some sites don't want to wildly speculate and so instead of putting up a random one based on the latest rumors, like Amazon, they'll just wait and see… although given the fact they're no longer involved in the game as far as we can tell, there's no real point looking to them for some sort of information.

And the other dates being there, as I said, is random speculation on the part of those retailers. Take them all with a pinch of salt.

And we aren't being pranked. If he posts a picture showing the advert I might be willing to give him some credability… but I don't know him from Tom, Dick or Harry so his post doesn't mean much at all until he posts some proof of the advert he saw.

by OniellFord

16 years, 4 months ago

I kinda agree with Slimed84. I mean, there have been other people that have attempted to fool us and have succeeded in getting alot of Positive Responses.

I mean, look at Russel T. Davies. He has lied and fooled the many fans of Doctor Who about things and when the episode(s) comes, he surprises them with what they were thinking it was going to be or something totally diffrent.

Same with J.J. Abrams, he lies about his show “LOST” and surprises fans with things they never would have expected.

Maybe Activision and Sierra are trying to turn their strategies into being compatable with the product market, instead of TV shows? It'll be interesting how it goes.

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

Those examples would work if not for the fact those two people on the whole aren't driven by money. They're driven for the reaction of the fans and for the game… Sony primarily is driven by money, same with Activision and such and I don't think they'd waste time playing games, especially a ‘date of release’ game when there's no clear goal for them because of it.

And then there's the little fact that both Abrams and Davies had their games planned months, if not years in advance. If tis is a game then the powers that be only had a very short amount of time relatively to cobble it together which seems an incredible waste of time which could be put to better use then yanking our chains.

by JasonLudy

16 years, 4 months ago

Now while I feel the post could be true I will wait until we get the info from an official source. Could all of this bullshit that we have been put through be a marketing strategy?

Pissing fans off doesn't seem like a good viral marketing campaign if you ask me. I think there's just a LOT of misinformation out there. We just need to sit tight and wait this out. Besides, highly anticipated games almost always have some sortta t.v. commercial advertising around when they come out. Needless to say, we haven't seen dick about the game on t.v.

by jka12002

16 years, 4 months ago

i went to a gamestop today and they said Activision canceled the new Ghostbusters game. i dont know if thats really true. not that i care that much (im a retro gamer).

by rodie1

16 years, 4 months ago

Yes they pulled all of the advertising out of a game that has huge market potential and will quietly release it on halloween. We haven't been pranked, the game is delayed.

by robbritton

16 years, 4 months ago

more and more I just get the impression that the game simply isn't finished/isn't up to scratch somehow. Other than the library level the rest still looked pretty ropey very close to release date. I dunno, it never seemed to make much business sense for Activision to drop the game - it seems to me that maybe the product just wasn't up to expectations and they bailed.

Now, i have nothing concrete to base this on and I sincerely hope that this isn't the case and that the game will be ready to fly ASAP. still, can't quite cure those niggles, y'know?

by mdp872105

16 years, 4 months ago

I had that fear too but they dropped a lot of other great games besides ghostbusters.

by zack1

16 years, 4 months ago

Yes, we're being pranked. The new release date is April 1st 2009 :p