Artwork Policies?

by back

21 years, 2 months ago

In addition Mr.Sparks, since your work is so wide spread and greatly appreciated shouldnt you copyright it? doesnt cost much.
im gone.

by JenSpengler

21 years, 2 months ago

Technically, as soon as you put pen to paper, it is copyrighted material. When you draw something, its yours, and only yours. Unless you note otherwise, if anyone wants to use the image, they need to ask permission and/or cite where they got it.

Unless, however, they commission you to make a picture, they don't have to ask permission to use it and it technically becomes their property.

I've written a copyright and plagiarism report for the library where I work, so I'm fairly familiar with this. And I too, hate when my art gets altered or taken.

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

yeah man, people try to steal my art all the time. I copywrite when i can (thru legalities)

by GB3Must_Be_Done

21 years, 2 months ago

I've already sent a PM.

But in regards to this thread, I don't mean to be rude at all, and I'm not like that. I have also apologized before, so I believe this matter has been taken care of already. (*egon)

I guess you could say that I'm lucky that no one stolen my art yet:

Thank goodness.