I hope with all my heart and soul that they refrain from anything RGB or EGB in this comic book. I only want to see everything look just like it did in the first film. So, I hope NO Ectos 2, 3, etc.
I really don't even want to see ‘Slimer’ pop up ‘that often’ because then there has to be a whole introduction of Slimer story and that would negate the continuity to include RGB then. By letting him be OUT of things, that allows a perfect segue way from the movie into RGB using this book as a middle ground.
I would like to see Dana appear albeit likely infrequently, and there HAS to be Janine as the secretary. Louis could even pop in some for more tests (especially the brain tissue Egon mentions at the end of the first film). :s
So, for whoever said it would me a mistake to pick up after the film leaves off, I think they're missing how many wonderful opportunities there really are for a story of epic proportions here.
BTW, didn't the RGB pick up AFTER the first film, too, sort of? Hmm…if so, how do we function the continuity of the movie to RGB using the comic?