Atari Ghostbusters No More.

by demonaz

15 years, 7 months ago

Also i think this should either be moved or renamed since new people will come in here and think that Atari canceled Ghostbusters.


Almost thought that for a fraction of a second.

by Zalbag

15 years, 7 months ago

You need to relax a little man. You're acting like they had a binding contract with you and they broke it which I am sure is not the case. Also going around posting the info they trusted you with is nothing but selfish You're acting like a child that did not get his way. If I was Atari or anyone else and would have seen what you where doing here I wouldn't want you to do anything I would go to someone else more mature. So I'm saying this in the nicest way possible.

That's life shit happens nothing you can do about it so move on.
Bashing Atari and posting stuff just to ruin it will just get you hated by everyone.

Sorry had to fix it, grammar was driving me bonkers.

You're = You are
Your = Your (to belong, to be placed)

No offense, doing it the nicest way possible.

Though I do agree with this original poster on this one. For everyone who has a 100k a year job, sure $750 - $3000 just slides into your hands. That or you live with your parents in their “basement.” No offensive, but bashing a rant like this, just doesn't seem right, so lets make it even shall we?

by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

He knew he was going to be going there though, it wasn't like a one day notice thing, plus they were going to pay him back in a month. Plus it wasn't their pricing, it was his pricing. He could have gotten a discounted flight to a discounted hotel that was near the convention center and walked, could have packed his costume and everything and carried it on. He could have ate very cheap there and still had a great time. Honestly, it shouldn't be as much as he quoted, he quoted that high cause he wanted to go all out and spoil himself, he could have easily have saved up enough money.

by demonaz

15 years, 7 months ago

Booo drama, booo…move thread.


15 years, 7 months ago

I did the math it comes to around 2300 i added a little more. okay shoot me. Its hard to dish out that money when you get paid every 15th and 30th.

Im done explaining myself.

by IMJ

15 years, 7 months ago

This is how big companies work with the fans. Although I agree that they could have at least given you guys a copy of the game for working with them, the way you've presented your story here loses you a lot of credibility.

by Sii

15 years, 7 months ago

This is just an observation, but the “leaked” footage that GBSUFF11 posted was nothing more than like 4 minute of the neutrona wand varients. Not much of a spoiler. Plus, this whole scene of bee boo bee boo angst drama diaper filling seems rather pathetic on GBSUFF11 part. You are seriously going to get bent out of shape over being invited to E3 without compensation. Are you being asked to do anything that could be remotely construed as real work? If you really need to vent, may I suggest a journal, because no one comes to this forum to hear people rage over vague stories of how they feel ripped off. Please, get over yourself.

by Forcekin

15 years, 7 months ago

This is coming a bit late, but…

I'm going to E3 for about $450 with 3 nights hotel and a flight there and back.

What's $3,000 for?