ATTENTION, all users please read.

by sinister1

19 years, 1 month ago

I’m really not one for speeches. But here goes, I have no authority to make this an official post. But this is something you should all hear. When you're done.. go ahead, respond with negativity if you so choose. But just think about what kind of person that makes you.

Sebastian Clavet is a good man. A man who did what everyone of us here would love to do. He managed to get Ghostbusters back off the ground. We have so much more now than we used to. Toys, Comics, a book, even RGB DVDs. And yet all anybody can do is complain. Is that it!? I’m tired of the speeches all about how a business should honour its agreements. I’m tired of people laying into the guy. Because that’s what is happening. People are attacking ONE man. One man who tried to actually revive a dying franchise. And God he did a bloody good job in my opinion. Hell I’d never read a comic before in my life. I even remember saying to Mr Clavet back in the days where he was known as Red Ketchup that I hoped it wasn’t a comic. Now I own the whole set.

Sebastian Clavet has done a good deal for us. Only some people can’t see it. This isn’t Sony we’re talking about. This isn’t some multi million dollar corporation. It’s one man who tried to do something we only sit around and fantasise about. Now I salute him for that.

But you know what’s worse? What’s worse is that things are obviously wrong. It doesn’t take a genius to see that! The Hard Cover collection IS late. Yes. But why? Is it because Mr Clavet is doing it intentionally? Hell No. The comic world is tough. It’s ruled by super powers such as Marvel and DC. 88mph is an independent company that miraculously gave us something no one else would. People were happy, oh I remember when the community was full to the brim of people sucking up to “Red Ketchup”, a time when he could do no wrong. Just because he promised a new product. Well news flash people he GAVE us this product. He doesn’t owe us anything. He put himself on the line to give us something. But now, now it seems that as soon as he can’t give us any thing any more. We turn on him, like a pack of wolves.

Why? Are we all such shallow, uncaring individuals. Just because we want and we can’t get, do we have to deny this man our help, loyalty and support? What if there was something wrong, something serious? Financially maybe. It could mean hard times for the guy, but still all we care about is our God damn comic book that we WANT.

I can’t tell anybody how to make things better, nor can I tell anybody how to help. But what I can say, is that we need to put aside our selfish and petty wants and needs, and start being human. To be grateful for the extension of something we love. And to show someone who may well have risked it all to give us that, that we are with him. All the way. That he has our support. Sometimes knowing, that people are behind you. Can be a powerful strength.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

I know it's old news and all, but what, if by some chance, Sebastien were able to continue the comic? Surely you guys would want that right? The continuation of the single endeavour that actually managed to outlast everything else… you want someone to blame for the years of mistreatment GB has suffered? Blame Sony, don't blame a guy who misjudged the market and slipped up on the business decisions… he made a bunch of lousy choices but he got his series out, and he will get his book out.

Tell me, honestly. If, despite everything, a copy of Ghostbusters Monthly/Quartely/whatever #1 was on your comic shop shelves, would you not pick it up?

The Ghostbusters comic is seemingly the last risk that'll be taken on us, the RGB DVDs are coming out only because every other cartoon under the sun has been released… and no matter how much you complain about delays, the interior content was way better then the delays.

Look, I know you have no reason to pledge your help, but look at it this way. Fan projects are almost dead from people not being interested, the iBooks novel died without even a chance of reprieve because nobody could be bothered to complain to Barnes and Noble, and after the RGB DVDs are released, that's it… we'll have nothing new ever again.

Why not try fill those few remaining years, by buying the comic if it ever shows up? And if not, just put your differences aside and let the arguments rest.

You wanted a face to scream at, and Sony wouldn't provide one… don't shout at Sebastien simply because he was a face and a name everyone could curse…

That's all, really…


19 years, 1 month ago

Nice words. I doubt anybody's heard you.

by Ragnarok_1920

19 years, 1 month ago

I agree with what Kingpin and Sinister stated, Its not a time to complain but every little advance is a small stepping stone in the RGB/GB world. Im not going to restate what was just said, but they pretty much sum'd it up for me.

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

I've never held a grudge against Sebastien. I traded messages with him a few times, and he seemed like a nice guy. Probably still is just that: A nice guy.

It's not a lack of support on my part. I've supported him. I bought the four issues with variants, the terror dog variant cover, and “The Zeddemore Factor”. As soon as the hardcover became available to buy a year ago, I put my money down. If the series ever continued, I'd buy it. The story was good. I wanted more. In effect, he succeeded in what he meant to do: Create a product to high fan and professional reviews, and have the fans asking for more.

I doubt these delays are because Clavet's “being mean” or whatever. This situation doesn't benefit him. And if wanting this book after having paid for it pretty much exactly a year ago suddenly makes me “a shallow, uncaring individual” to people with “problems”, I guess that's part of my mindset as to why I helped a hurricane Katrina victim with a few start up items when she moved into our complex last month, and still help her out as I can. It's an unreasonable assessment of unhappy fan reactions. I've not become a “bad person” because I'd like to put my book on the bookshelf after a year.

I refuse to play the “what if something terrible's happened” factor as to why we're not hearing from Clavet. From the brief holiday update on the 88 site (the Santa hat on the logo, and subsequent removal after the holiday), the man is alive and well. Does he “owe” us anything? Again, having the book a lot of people paid for by now would be nice, or it's just common decency to post some sort of update on either his site or the boards. He doesn't have to respond to it. Post, and let the forum commentary swell unmonitored. He used to be public both in positive and negative criticism. He was fortunate to get such a cool license, the fans supported him by buying the product, and it's time to just give back to the fans again. I think a simple answer would at least calm down a topic that literally doesn't go anywhere and hasn't for months now.

I doubt the comic and the DVDs are the last thing we'll ever see. Kingpin, you've been such an optimist throughout all of your posts. Surely you cannot believe that this is suddenly “the end”. As long as there is a support for a product, people will find a way to revitalize it, even if it takes a while again. Star Wars has been around almost 30 years, and the late 80's/early ‘90’s had very little going for it in terms of product support. Star Trek for all its goods, bads, successes and faults, hits 40 soon. Pac-Man is 25. Super Mario Bros. is over 20, with Mario being around even longer. Other ‘80’s properties like Transformers and Masters of the Universe made a return, even though both of their comic series got cancelled (and I remain confident that we'll be hearing from those franchises again someday). And while the chances of Bill, Dan, Harold and Ernie picking up another proton pack for another outing is pretty unlikely at this point, all it takes is one fan with the resources to write a book, or program and publish a video game, or a toy company to produce an action figure.

Ghostbusters has been around over 20 years now, and people still love it. In this year, kids will see the movie for the first time in their lives, and another generation of fans will be born like we were. I think people are grateful that Sebastien provided us another cool product, but they just want to know whats going on.

As for myself….

I'm kind of over it. I'm not chomping at the bit, but I'd be glad to see the book in my mailbox sometime this year.

If they ever decide to continue the comics, whether it's 88MPH or someone else, I would support it.

But I think we're well overdue for a simple status update.

by sinister1

19 years, 1 month ago

Terrible - as in severe money issues maybe? Hence the point about the comic industry being hard.

Anyway. he may be feeling very very guilty about what's happened, and maybe there IS no update, and he's worried that if he posts that he'll be met with more hatred. Come on, he's had a fair bit to begin with.

Well good for you for helping the hurricane victim, now let's all just let Mr Clavet know that we're behind him on this one.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

you've been such an optimist throughout all of your posts. Surely you cannot believe that this is suddenly “the end”.

You're right, really… maybe I phrased it wrong… I believe, there's a significant chance that the comic will be one of the last few things we'll get, interest has certainly dwindled since the hype of the big 20.

I don't think it is the end, at least… not the end of Ghostbusters. Whether there's more merchandise in the wings is unknown… especially with the 80's boom slowing down… if no having burst.

But you're right, if there's something out there… I'll probably buy it. And, well… I'll stick to my guns to the bitter end… thanks Guy. :p

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

If Sebastien is “feeling guilty”, he shouldn't be. It just seems like he got into a siuation that is out of both his hands and control. What he's “guilty” of is that he built this previous reputation of being totally upfront and on the level, things go sour and questions arise, and now he's nowhere to be found? The guy could save himself so much grief if he just simply stepped up, gave a simple update, whether it's a guesstimate (which I'm willing to take at this point) on when the book is going to be released, or a “I'm in the same boat on getting answers myself, I'll let you know when I find out something” response. Even something random like “Hey, I placed a booger on page 7 of everyone's book! Who knows what size or color you'll get when the books ship”, would placate me at this point.

The comic was his project. He needs to maintain responsibility for it, even when times are bad. And that includes being as public as he used to be during the comic's release. As I said, people look/looked to him for answers, as he previously built his reputation for being so readily available. Like it or not, people expect that from him now. Personally, I'd appreciate him doing the “right thing” and stepping out of wherever he is to talk to us. He'd probably settle down a few of the irate people on these boards in the process. Some of the comments here are harsh, but I'm sure he can handle it. On the other side of the coin, those who have screamed “death threats” and “lawsuits” in the past: knock that garbage out. Everyone's waiting for the same result. Acting like a fool only reflects badly on yourself, and it's an embarrassing representation of the fandom.

No one's asking for an extra $20 bonus for all of their waiting, or a lock of Bill Murray's hair. We all want an answer to three simple words: “What's going on?” If he has time to post and remove a holiday graphic on his site, then he can use the same amount of time to make a few sentence post on his site or in a forum.

Incidentally, I hope my mentioning of helping someone out didn't make me come across as some moralistic “holier than thou” person on his high horse. I just wanted to make the point that getting annoyed over a book that has seen numerous delays and no answers for a year does not turn one “uncaring” or evil or whatever. Waiting as long as I have isn't going to turn me into a full-time jerk. Besides, this isn't a contest of “Who is the bigger fan”. I mean, we're all here posting on a GB forum, aren't we? I think that says enough.

I think we're doing this all wrong. We need to come together and unify in one voice a simple campaign to at least get him talking to us again. Nothing ugly, just to let him know that despite the grumblings, we're still interested as fans.

Oh, and Kingpin, no problem. You do realize of course that 2009 will be Ghostbusters' 25th anniversary? Who knows what coolness might sprout up to celebrate a quarter of a century? I will always remain optimistic for the future of this franchise.

At least we're finally getting SOME RGB episodes on DVD.

by sinister1

19 years, 1 month ago

I jsut think that Sebastien will be more likely to come forward to talk to us if we show him that we're behind him in thos no matter what.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

Oh, and Kingpin, no problem. You do realize of course that 2009 will be Ghostbusters' 25th anniversary? Who knows what coolness might sprout up to celebrate a quarter of a century? I will always remain optimistic for the future of this franchise.

I have been told of such, yes.

GuyCC, I commend you for your positive attitude about all this… I wish less people had resorted to insults… but I can't exactly control them.

But thanks for putting stuff out that's clear and well thought out.

Heh, I do wonder… what'll happen, the ‘HC or the Seb’? :p

Seriously though… if Sebastien were willing to make it, a verbal update it might/probably help calm things down… unless he's worried of giving another date and then missing it, but that's second guessing, and as you said, a projective date it certainly something compared to no date…