ATTENTION, all users please read.

by GuyCC

19 years ago

Yeah, that's the whole thing. Just something to the effect of “It's at the printer”, or “I'm having to look into a few things before giving the release date” if there's a problem. Even a simple “I'm sorry it's taken so long” would mean something right about now.

If Sebastien's really that hard-pressed, he should come forward and just say so. I'm willing to bet a respectable handful of people would step forward to help him push this thing further. Fans supporting fans, and Seb's a fan too. He pushed to make this thing happen at all.

My thought is that everyone just send him an e-mail that simply states:

“Dear Sebastien,

Can we please have an update on the Ghostbusters hardcover?


A fellow Ghostbusters fan.”

No long speeches, no random images, no frowny face emoticons. Just that simple phrased question. It would take as much time to send as it would to make a post here. It's not rude or nasty, but I'd wager 100-200 e-mails from different people stating the EXACT same message might call him out to talk to us. We've supported him even through this by trying to be positive and not canceling our orders. It's time he gives back a little.

Waiting, demanding action, praising, threatening, being way too forgiving, being way too harsh… nothing's worked on getting an update. We've gotten nothing but silence, and a bunch of people who are taking their frustrations out on each other. We're too split in here. We all need to adopt the same tactic as a group, and see if we can get him to talk to us. Nothing else has worked, what's the harm of this?

I'm not a revolutionist, but Ghostbuster fans, it's time to unite and find a peaceful and rational solution to something that's prolonged itself for too long a year now.

If the man needs help in getting the books done, or (one can hope) getting the ongoing off the ground, let's try to find ways to offer help, other than sit around and hope for progress to happen. FANS make things happen, and FANS are what keeps these things alive.

by GuyCC

19 years ago

And just to let it be known, I sent the following message to the website as I suggested:

“Dear Sebastien,

Can we please have an update on the Ghostbusters hardcover?


A fellow Ghostbusters fan.”

by muthapussbucket1

19 years ago

I am sending the same message.

Thanks, Guy.

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years ago

You also might think about sending the man some kind words. beause as far as he know (probably) all the Ghostbusters fans hate his guts, so ya might wanna show that there are many who dont.

by Kingpin

19 years ago

Unless he covertly visits the boards… but it wouldn't hurt to try at any rate.

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years ago

Yeah, an thats all I'm saying, jus give the guy some support, reguardless of all the crap thats been happening with the hardcover, the fact is, we dont know wuts happening and it could be something horribly wrong in his personal life. At least thank him for all the hard work he put into the comic, just for OUR entertainment.

by muthapussbucket1

19 years ago

Do you really think all the GB fans “hate his guts”? I think that's a bit silly. I mean, I want the TPB but I still love what he gave us. I really think it's very childish to just hide and not respond on his site because he's afraid.


19 years ago

Death threats and lawsuits. Consider that.

by muthapussbucket1

19 years ago

Yes, but how many people? You can't tell me the man is actually afraid for his life because of this. The people who have “threatened” have already taken back said threat, it was taken out of context. I honestly think he's just pouting at this point. And even if he is afraid, I do hope he is trying to get this TPB done. The only reason anyone is “mad” is because we haven't heard from him. And say what you will, HE is the one not talking.

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years ago

No I dont think ALL the Ghostheads hate him, I certainly dont hate him, but there are a few IDIOTS out there who wont shut up about how pissed they are and then, as Ecto-1 said, words like “death threats and lawsuits” start being thrown around. If I was Sebastion, I wouldnt be too keen on coming back around here very often. I for one WILL say this though… There are a lot of us around here who do NOT hate him and thank him for the excellent work he has done for us and for Ghostbusters at large, I wish him the best of luck in any work he does in the future, be it Ghostbusters or not. People should look at those 5 issues he made for us, shut the hell up and be happy with what we can get. Dan Aykroyd said those exact words in reguards to the fact that GBIII may never be made, well, the fact of the matter is, we may never get anything new from Ghostbusters, but we need to enjoy what we have already.