Avatar problems...

by Sonia_31

19 years, 6 months ago

I've tried to upload two different avatars, well within the byte size limitations and here is what I get -

Warning: Unable to create ‘./images/avatars/147810684342ff58f142253.jpg’: Permission denied in /home/warppipe/html/gb/gbforum/includes/usercp_avatar.php on line 227

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/warppipe/html/gb/gbforum/includes/usercp_avatar.php:227) in /home/warppipe/html/gb/gbforum/includes/page_header.php on line 475

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/warppipe/html/gb/gbforum/includes/usercp_avatar.php:227) in /home/warppipe/html/gb/gbforum/includes/page_header.php on line 477

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/warppipe/html/gb/gbforum/includes/usercp_avatar.php:227) in /home/warppipe/html/gb/gbforum/includes/page_header.php on line 478

Any idea on what I could be doing wrong?


by Cosmic-Riptide

19 years, 6 months ago

On-site avatars have been busted for a long time now…


I don't even know if Chad's ever had a chance to look into the problem…

For now you'll have to upload your avatar elsewhere on the net and then link to it.

by castewar1

19 years, 6 months ago

If you upload from a URL, rather than directly from your machine, it will work. If you don't have a server to temporarily load it up to, before you upload to the message board, I'm sure someone here could temporarily host it.

by Cosmic-Riptide

19 years, 6 months ago

Not to split hairs (or to confuse the matter) but the upload function seems to be completely dead. The only method that I know works is to “hotlink” to your avatar (unload your avatar somewhere online, link to it via the “Link to off-site Avatar” option, and then leave that file online for as long as you want your avatar working) because the board wont save a copy.

Every time this thread (the one you are reading right now) is accessed my webpage gets “a hit” (because that's where my avatar is stored).

by castewar1

19 years, 6 months ago

Hmm. Well it WAS working, but you're right, it's hooped now too. Linking to an offsite image is the only way for now.

by Chad

19 years, 5 months ago

All fixed guys, sorry for the inconvenience.


From now on, if anyone has a problem with the GB Message Board (questions, concerns, etc), feel free to IM me.