Aside from the Master Franchise list getting links to the GB Inc. Website, and a certificate of Authenticity, GB Inc. will be giving away something new.
Awards for recognition of service.
What will this accomplish?
It will push for greater character development, and fanfiction from every franchise…GOOD fanfiction.
Awards will be given, based on the events that happen in YOUR fanfictions. To make things fair, awards will be decided by a panel of judges, to insure that the fanfiction is:
1) Good…and free of “Mary Suism”
2) Doesn't contradict others' works
3) People don't “save the world everyday to rack up brownie points.”
Awards and certificates will include:
*Basic Ghostbusting Liscence: ALL agents will recieve this
*Equiptment Liscence: Again, ALL agents are required to get this, as you need to know how to safely handle equiptment
*The Spengler Award: This is given to those who did not have a Parapsychology doctorate before entering GBInc. This is an “honorary” doctorate in the field of Parapsychology. A test is required with an 85% score or better.
*The Belmont Certificate: Celebrating GBInc.'s first true magician, the Belmont certificate certifies those with magical, psychic, or other supernatural aptitude may use their talents and gifts to further the goals of GBI. All psy-active agents MUST be registered.
*The Mortem Medallion: This 24K gold medallion honors those Ghostbusters that have given their lives in the line of duty protecting humanity from paranormal insanity. The families of those GB agents KIA are given support, and those GBs KIA are memorialized at the GB Inc. master website.
(Rest in Peace, Ernie and Shades)
*The Purple Heart: Ghostbusters who are grievously injured in battle with the paranormal recieve this award.
I will post more when I have set up a definitive system of measuring GB Inc. merit.
Perhaps this will kick-start those creative juices!