Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

Actually Kingpin, it is a sequel to three. http://tmnt.warnerbros.com/ Go to the photos section. First pic, second row.

I'll have to re-read some of the stuff on the subject, but at the moment to me that doesn't really equate more then a visual reference.

And here's a pause for thought: What rating was Ghostbusters when it was released in theatres? (*peter)

by Nix

18 years, 1 month ago

PG, I think, but then they didn't have the PG-13 rating in 1984.

(You have “GREMLINS” and “INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM” to thank for that.)

So…I'd say that this one's going to have a PG-13 rating on it.

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

Indeed, I think people are forgetting that PG once stood for ‘Parental Guidance’.

U for ‘Universal’ is the really kiddy thing, and while what gets classed as what seems to have evolved in the last 20 years… PG doesn't mean either ‘kiddy’ or ‘adult’… I'd say it's more of a happy medium of the two… and that's the thing, Ghostbusters could be enjoyed by all ages.

That said… I wonder if there would be any of the casual swearing… are there many animated features with swearing akin to Ghostbusters?

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 1 month ago

Actually Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is generally credited with having the PG-13 rating introduced in the United States, many felt it should have had an R rating, but Spielberg felt there needed to be something in between the two. Spielberg says he rang the head of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and suggested the idea, namely that there should be a PG-13+ or PG-14+ rating.

Soon after, the MPAA introduced the PG-13 rating.

by piero1985

18 years, 1 month ago

they could make the characters in CGI, as Jor-El in Superman Returns…

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

they could make the characters in CGI, as Jor-El in Superman Returns…

That ain't even nearly the same thing. For Jor-El they just used Brando's face in a few blury shots of him in the crystal and all they did was basically reanimate his mouth movement to fit with the words. Jor-El was just manipulation of already existing footage. Not to mention it was only about 45 seconds. They were really hyping that thing up(Marlon in SR) but it turned out to be nothing special really. And if they were just going to manipulate footage from the first two films like with Jor-El, then they wouldn't even need the original cast back. Just a budget exceeding 300 million which has never been done before in history. They could rotoscope their heads off of the original films, change their lip movement, and place them in a CG environment with CG bodies for their manipulated heads. And the chances of that happening would be 0.000000000001%

And if CG Ghostbusters is going to follow the same guidelines as the first two, then it'll get a PG13. There's no way they're going to have a movie about hell and it being just PG. It wouldn't come off right, there's got to be a few horror and scary elements in it.

by mellie1

18 years, 1 month ago

why was GB in the kids section in ur video store?? (i forget who said that)
Our copy (before someone kept it :-@ ) was in Action.

And ratings don't mean anything anymore….granted, the US ratings are usually higher than the Canadian ratings, like Butterfly effect was rated R in the US and 14 (equal to pg-13) here. Not to mention all the 10 y/o who come into the store and rent rated R movies (with their parents of course…cause we can't rent R stuff to under 18)…and if I mention to the parents that it is 18 rated…they say “whatever…he's seen worse on tv” or “yeah he watches them all the time” .

agian…you guys are going on about how u'll hate it if it's this…or that…or whatever…and it isn't anything yet….it's Ghostbusters…SMILE!! :-)

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 1 month ago

Holy F*ck! I leave the internet for 2 days, and this is what I miss????!!!!

First, just let me say, this is INCREDIBLE. Biggest news since 1989 for sure… Although I'm a bit weary. I always thought half the fun of GB3 would be seeing the guys back together, in the flesh again. And now it's CGI? And it seems awfully pretentious of Bill to say “I'll do the voice, but I'm to good for a live-action Ghostbusters.” …..Still I AM excited, and beggers can't be choosers I suppose. And I DO fancy the idea of using the RGB likenesses, although it makes me think; Why not just do a really big-budget Hand-drawn animation movie?

Oh well, I'm sure it'll great no matter what. I just hope they pull out all the stops, and not compromise anything else. Now its time to play the waiting game… (*ray)

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

why was GB in the kids section in ur video store?? (i forget who said that)
Our copy (before someone kept it :-@ ) was in Action.

the one that said “Mellie is mine” :p

I really have no idea why they kept them in there (*winston)

some kid might have rented the movie and wonder what the hell was that all about when the ghost untied Ray's belt and pants lol :p

Holy F*ck! I leave the internet for 2 days, and this is what I miss????!!!!

lol :p

by fixer791

18 years, 1 month ago

Now its time to play the waiting game… (*ray)

Yep… You said it…
A very, very long waiting game…

Ah well… We've waited for seventeen years for this…
What's another -say- three years…