Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by slimer3881

18 years, 1 month ago

You know, I thought this board was about posting our thoughts, but now I am labeled a “whiney bitch”. Mellie, piss off. Your “generalization” frankly is a slap in the face and an insult, could be a pesonal attack. I have seen many banned on forums for that. I grew up on Ghostbusters, I remember when Back to The Future came out. No, I am not a newer ghostbusters fan I was there when it happened, and I assume MANY are like me. I am excited on this announcement BUT (yes I say that alot) CGI is a BIG GAMBLE ok?! CGI has been done in SO many ways, that if this isn't done right, then GB3 will be lame sequel just to shut us fans up. Do you want that? No you don't. Also Bill Murray pisses me off so much. He forgets the fans and won't touch GB with a ten foot pole, but NOW he will? WHY? Cause he can just voice the character and not do much WORK? I think that is the main reason. Everybody can post, quote me and what not (I will not tolerate harassment so don't go there) but Bill Murray has held GB3 back far to long and now he gets off his ass to do this? Something isn't right here. I am wondering if Dan just backed down to CGI cause Bill has done Garfield. Bribing Bill to do this and while deminishing Dan's vision of GB3 (if that is the case here) is the reason many of us are not jumping up and down on this. So maybe this explains a few things and I hope many keep their opinions and name calling to themselves. I don't want a flame war but I will NOT tolerate being called names because my opinion didn't suit somebody.

lighten up, francis.

i hate the Bill bashing on here. can we like narrow that down a bit? anyway i see where your coming from, it is kind of mind boggling why its been claimed dead so many times. and all the sudden its coming back. something just isnt right.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Anyone getting the feeling Dan was just saying that? That Bill really hasn't agreed to do it? That Dan told the media this because he knew it would get a huge response and that Sony and Murray would possibly agree to it after seeing the fan reaction?

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 1 month ago

Why would Dan outright lie about something? Especially this big?…

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 1 month ago

Anyone getting the feeling Dan was just saying that? That Bill really hasn't agreed to do it? That Dan told the media this because he knew it would get a huge response and that Sony and Murray would possibly agree to it after seeing the fan reaction?

Absolutely not… Sony and Murray have seen the fan reaction to all the past stories. Its not like Dan thought this one would have a much different reaction. They know that the fans want it. And Dan wouldn't lie about Ghostbusters. He wouldn't do that to the fans.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Why would Dan outright lie about something? Especially this big?…

So then he could go to Bill and say “I've already told the fans you'd do it, you can't turn them down now”. It happens in movies all the time :p

But you guys are probably right.

by mellie1

18 years, 1 month ago

I wasn't trying to put Bill down, I just meant that I can understand why he probably wouldn't want to be running around and all that, a lot of his latest movies don't seem to be very physical, so if he's willing to do the voice thing, that's cool with me. But hey, if by some miracle it ended up a live action…I'd be just as excited. :-)

I just had a thought. Do you think Ivan Reitman had prior knowledge from Dan Aykroyd that Aykroyds intention was to have Ghostbusters III as a CGI movie? Here's an interview from about five months ago on Empire.

Read this!


Looking forward, word is slowly building about Ghostbusters in Hell. Have you heard anything new about that?
Ghostbusters In Hell well the script that Dan Aykroyd has written, and we have been in discussion with Sony Columbia about it whether it’s going to be that script. But there seems to be renewed interest in doing another Ghostbusters in some new fresh way, put it that way. We’ll see where it goes.

Personally I think Dan and Ivan had a little talk about it some while ago.

interesting little tidbit…it would seem that they had a conversation about this…..thanks for that (^_^)

by rodie1

18 years, 1 month ago

Why would Dan outright lie about something? Especially this big?…

So then he could go to Bill and say “I've already told the fans you'd do it, you can't turn them down now”.

To which Bill would reply “watch me.”

by nickonline

18 years, 1 month ago

I would just like to second, third, and tenth all points made that we should get a confirming source. Aykroyd absolutely has done this sort of thing before, and like many of you, I'm quite unbelieving to begin with. Surprising that no other source has come forward yet..

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

a lot of his latest movies don't seem to be very physical

lol didn't you saw him running on that exercise machine in Lost in Translation? lol :p

Why would Dan outright lie about something? Especially this big?…

So then he could go to Bill and say “I've already told the fans you'd do it, you can't turn them down now”.

To which Bill would reply “watch me.”


by slimer3881

18 years, 1 month ago

and dont forget fighting all the pirates in Life Aquatic. which is an awesome movie by the way.