Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by Kingpin

18 years ago

You know, I thought this board was about posting our thoughts, but now I am labeled a “whiney bitch”. Mellie, piss off.

For someone who doesn't like personal insults, you don't seem to have any problem dishing that one out, sandman. (*janine)

Keep things civil, everyone.

by sandmanfvr

18 years ago

Why come in here and only moderate when I, the new guy, say something, no offense? Yes my comment wasn't “civilized” but why wasn't anything said before? No offense man, but just because I am “new” here and my post count isn't high means nothing. This generalization and name calling started based on others not liking others opinions and I think that might be against some forum rule. Yes I am not perfect but hell I have the right to defend myself so please don't single me out cause this is getting to be rediculous.

lighten up, francis.

i hate the Bill bashing on here. can we like narrow that down a bit? anyway i see where your coming from, it is kind of mind boggling why its been claimed dead so many times. and all the sudden its coming back. something just isnt right.

You listen up, I am not a child so please quit the lecture. Why is this coming up? I am new to the whole Bill Murray and not wanting to do Ghostbusters. I am also a fan that grew up in the 80s and Bill's attitude is an insult to me a fan. I will say my mind on this, so get over it ok?

I am really surprised at this board. Really surprised. Some on here have been bashed, called names, insulted and now I have been singled out by a mod. Yes I threw an insult out, but damn moderate with some common sense! If you attack somebody and their thoughts, then they are going to retaliate. Frankly she should have been got on to a few pages back, but she wasn't. When a new guy says something, he is gotten on to. If you are going to say something either say it to both of us or none at all.

I can be the guy nobody likes but I am 29 years old, happily married, got two computer science degrees and a great job, and I am in a paranormal investigation group that does real investigations (got one this saturday at a haunted house) so my plate is full. I am NOT saying these things to put anybody down or make myself look bigger just to show you the man behind he screen name. I am not a punk, a 15 year old that just got into ghostbusters and I frankly don't appreciate being put down by other members and a moderator. Plus I will not tolerate mods trying to quiet me down after this, cause I am not afraid of an internet mod or admin. I have been both many times. If I was banned then I know this site would not beworth my time. Other than the “piss off” I have done ZERO wrong, just speaking my mind. I think everybody deserves respect here, everybody. I respect the ones that love this idea, that love Bill Murray, and all other opinions. But that didn't get me anywhere. So here my final word on this: My opinions are my opinions, if you don't like them then keep it to yourself. I do not care if anybody doesn't want to see “anymore of that” posted, I will post what I want. I will also RESPECT everybody else as long as I AM RESPECTED. If I am not, then I will defend myself. Period.

I await the bashing, quoting again but I don't want to cause so much crap, just I am to old to put up with shit like this. I want to get along and have fun with fellow Ghostbuster fans, but I am not going to tolerate being picked on.

by fome

18 years ago

dude, nobody's picking on you… again, she already said that it was just a generalization, so there's no need for you to feel like a target… I mean, you're not the only one giving out the same opinion yet nobody else is complaining like you do… just chill out and try to have some fun…

by sandmanfvr

18 years ago

I disagree, cause I don't like to be quoted and scolded or be the only one got onto by a mod. *sigh*

Anyway back on topic, is there anything official like a site or something for GB3 CGI?

by matthew1

18 years ago

Welcome to the boards Sandman. I understand you may feel unfairly treated but I'm sure that in this case the comment wasn't meant as a personal attack or anything. Rather a misunderstanding, which quite often happens in forums. We've a very friendly, easy going fanbase here and we don't take ourselves too seriously, though we are very very passionate about Ghostbusters.

Any thoughts on wheather or not Ivan Reitman will be involved in this one? Should he be?

by sandmanfvr

18 years ago

I understand but on this topic, it just needs to be settled. Though I am done talking about it.

My manager just emailed me this link:


by mellie1

18 years ago

nice (^_^)
I think the more people outside of the community that know about this the better. I mean who doesn't love GB?? Just because they're not all hardcore fans doesn't mean they won't dish out the cash for GB movies, games, etc. And anyone who has dressed up as a GB knows that the everyday Joe loves to call out “who ya gonna call?” or just scream “Ghostbusters!” at you

This gets more exciting everyday :-)

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

I don't know if Reitman would return for a CG film as the director. But you never know, everyone seems to want to do one today. And Reitman's career is still going strong, I loved Super Ex-girlfriend last year. But he's gotta come back for at least producer. And we can rest assure, that if Ivan is directing this one then we'll definitely get the same feel and atmosphere that we got 2 decades ago. He wouldn't kiddify it.

And if it's going to be CG, what if they do motion capture for the entire film like with monster house/PE. And if Bill doesn't want to do it, they could get someone else to motion capture Venkman and he just do the voice.

I'm pretty sure Reitman would rather direct them doing motion capture where they're all still together on stage than just voice recording at different times. Notice all of the latest CG films where the main characters are human are using motion capture. Shrek and Penguins aren't because their main characters aren't human.

by nickonline

18 years ago

Ghostbusters III: Hellbent would see the boys going to hell itself, which looks a lot like Manhattan. "We go to the hell side of Manhattan, downtown, Foley Square. It's all where the cops are–they are all blue minotaurs. Central Park is this huge peat mine with green demons there, surrounded by black onyx thousand-foot high apartment buildings with classic red devils, very wealthy. We go and visit a Donald Trump-like character who is Mr. Sifler. Luke Sifler. Lu-cifer. So we meet the devil in it.”

I will say this. If Aykroyd doesn't work with Reitman and especially Ramis in terms of getting this into filmable shape, it will be a huge mess. Imagine if that original GB movie had been made - crossing dimensions, getting hired by terror dogs, heavy emphasis on the technical, mixed ending sending the various GBs across dimensions, working out of a Sunoco station in Jersey… I've always wanted to read this script just to see how bad it was.

When I read the various Hellbent script reviews online, I got the feeling that we were in the same place. Everyone said the characters were essentially missing, there was a LOAD of technobabble, and that it felt like that first draft in which Aykroyd just throws everything creative onto the page. OK, awesome. He's great at that. But now it's time for someone to take the mush and shape it into a sculpture. If they let him go ahead with what he has, I will openly be the MOST negative person on this board and say it will suck, period.

Always a fan of CHUD:

And Reitman's career is NOT going strong at all.

Super Ex-, which was a horrible movie:

Domestic: $22,530,295

For what that movie cost, that is atrocious. And the reviews raped it as well. His movie before that? 2001's Evolution, which was also a pretty crappy movie. That brought in 38 mil, but man did everyone dislike it. Either way, even if you liked both movies, they're not signs of a strong career.

by sandmanfvr

18 years ago

From the CHUD article:

Aykroyd told the DJ that the new film would be a CGI movie, which was the only way they could convince Bill Murray to come back (I guess his Garfield experience has shown him how easy it is to sit in a studio for a day or two and collect a big check).

Hah! My thoughts exactly and some on here want me to be quiet about him. Other think the same way.