Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by ghostbustersreloaded

18 years, 1 month ago

oops, i must have put up the wrong link,,,,sorry guys…i meant the video game….although i am following his ufo stuff too…

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Doctor Venkman
LoL, at first it was a link to a UFO sighting.

I don't think Dan “accidentally let it slip” :p

Exactly how many conspiracy theories do you think Dan has? Everything that he says you try to twist into something else. Before it was that Bill and Sony hadn't yet agreed to do it but Dan said they had so that they would have to once they saw the fan reaction. Now its that Dan purposely stated something about the video game that we all know he definitely let slip because its not even official yet.

WTF, I didn't say that he purposely stated something about the game. You know I put “accidentally let it slip” in quotes for a reason, that is what the SITE LINK says.


Jumping on me like a pack of rabid wolves for no damn reason.

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 1 month ago

Doctor Venkman
LoL, at first it was a link to a UFO sighting.

I don't think Dan “accidentally let it slip” :p

Exactly how many conspiracy theories do you think Dan has? Everything that he says you try to twist into something else. Before it was that Bill and Sony hadn't yet agreed to do it but Dan said they had so that they would have to once they saw the fan reaction. Now its that Dan purposely stated something about the video game that we all know he definitely let slip because its not even official yet.

WTF, I didn't say that he purposely stated something about the game. You know I put “accidentally let it slip” in quotes for a reason, that is what the SITE LINK says.


Jumping on my like a pack of rabid wolves for no damn reason.

Easy there slugger. It's called a misinterpretation. As in it seemed you were saying “accidentally” shouldn't be included. It's an easy assumption to make after your first point of saying that you thought it was possible that Aykroyd lied when he said that Bill had agreed to do it. Take a freakin chill pill buddy.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

I am trying to maintain my composure.

On another note, 4 days and this thread is 13 pages!

by HannibalKing

18 years, 1 month ago

It seems like a lot of people have been swimming in mood slime lately… Sometimes positvely charged, sometimes not.

by heslimedme251

18 years, 1 month ago

You guys are getting that “it's coming!” look and I don't like that, you said “it's coming!” was bad. You're gonna endanger us, you're gonna endanger our thread which paid us in advance before it became a dog!

-J. :-)

by fixer791

18 years, 1 month ago

It seems like a lot of people have been swimming in mood slime lately… Sometimes positvely charged, sometimes not.

I'll show YOU who's been swimmin' in darn moodslime, buster…!
OMG… What am I saying?…
You're right!

by HannibalKing

18 years, 1 month ago

I'll show YOU who's been swimmin' in darn moodslime, buster…!
OMG… What am I saying?…
You're right!

There's only one solution people… get your clothes off.

You just know that's Egon's solution to everything right…

“I've got a radical idea. The door swings both ways, we can take our clothes off”

by fixer791

18 years, 1 month ago



by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

I'll show YOU who's been swimmin' in darn moodslime, buster…!
OMG… What am I saying?…
You're right!

There's only one solution people… get your clothes off.

You just know that's Egon's solution to everything right…

“I've got a radical idea. The door swings both ways, we can take our clothes off”

I'm not gonna talk to you for at least a week, it's not good for me. :p