Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by CrossedtheStreams87

18 years, 1 month ago

Ok lets say this twinkie represents the normal amount of excitement in Ghostbusters news. Because of that interview and all its awesomeness its now a twinkie 35 feet long weighing approximately 600 pounds. They're BACK!!!!!!!!

by ecto_plasmic1

18 years, 1 month ago

Ok lets say this twinkie represents the normal amount of excitement in Ghostbusters news. Because of that interview and all its awesomeness its now a twinkie 35 feet long weighing approximately 600 pounds. They're BACK!!!!!!!!

I guess the Ghostheads who are trapped in the continment unit is getting crowded. Sony maybe thinking something is good is going to happen over the horizon and will try to stop it. :-O

by matthew1

18 years, 1 month ago

Sony can't stop it if they've signed a paper which licences Universal or whichever company it is to make the CGI movie.

For me, the key thing here is Murray. He actually states that Bill is going to reprise his role as Dr Peter Venkman and provide his voice for the movie.

So Dan and Bill are on board, Ernie Hudson hasn't yet been mentioned but I know for a fact that he's love to do another Ghostbusters. Even though it's not live action I'm sure he'd love to provide his voice. Then there's Harold Ramis. Will he allow Universal or whoever it is to use his likeness in the movie? Will he voice his character? I think so.

All we really need now is confirmation from whichever production company is doing this!

Hey, do you think they'll have a behind the scenes extra on the DVD showing Bill, Dan, Harold and Ernie in the recording studios? That'd be amazing!

by castewar1

18 years, 1 month ago

Hey, do you think they'll have a behind the scenes extra on the DVD showing Bill, Dan, Harold and Ernie in the recording studios? That'd be amazing!

Yes, and whoa whoa whoa!

We're not even at “scripting is locked down” and your at the video store buying the DVD. Do a little dance or something, but let's not get ahead of our selves too much, just yet.

by GozerJr

18 years, 1 month ago

May have to change your sig soon, eh PC?

by matthew1

18 years, 1 month ago




by castewar1

18 years, 1 month ago

May have to change your sig soon, eh PC?

Yup, that's true - once there's some corroboration from the Studio, that part of the sig will happily go away.

by HannibalKing

18 years, 1 month ago

While anyone would rather have a live action version, if this is the only way its gonna happen, then bring it on. Thinking it over though, its a great idea because we have the technology, the guys can look young if they wanted to go that route and just imagine how over the top you can be with the hell environment and the ghosts, action and everything else.

by Sp9543

18 years, 1 month ago

While anyone would rather have a live action version, if this is the only way its gonna happen, then bring it on. Thinking it over though, its a great idea because we have the technology, the guys can look young if they wanted to go that route and just imagine how over the top you can be with the hell environment and the ghosts, action and everything else.

nicely said. at first i was a little skeptical but the more i think of it, the more excited i get. the hell enviornments will look awesome in cgi. and yeah the gb's can be younger looking if they wanted to be.

with all that said, i'm going to wait to get giddy until something more offical happens.

also, im a big advocate of either the whole cast of gb's or no movie, so lets hope they all agree to do it.

by Dr.D

18 years, 1 month ago

I don't care if it is CGI, its GHOSTBUSTERS 3!! :-) (^_^) (*peter)