Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by fixer791

18 years, 1 month ago

IH! A moderator! Quick, get your clothes back on, everyone!


Only joking, Kingpin
anyway… We're really getting off-topic here…

by HannibalKing

18 years, 1 month ago

I'm not gonna talk to you for at least a week, it's not good for me.

Which sadly is what all my of friends would say if they could only use one quote after I said something to them… To tell Egon the truth though, I think that is the truest statement for anyone to say after talking to Pete.

Been trying to think of a good way for me to say something on topic, but hell is it hard. After all its the waiting game now…

by slimer3881

18 years, 1 month ago

i've been swimming in confused slime, i just dont know why they are gonna close the book on the series with an animated movie. i point a made to my friend earlier to day, imagine if Return of the jedi was animated. it doesnt make much sense. it knocks off any continuity setting that was made with the predeccessors.

plus, what makes Ghostbusters great is all the physical comedy (Murray's facial expressions, Moranis' walking and stumbling, etc.) that supports all the great dialouge, all this will be lost in an CGI movie. dont get me wrong im still happy they're finally making a new movie, but still.

PS. Hannibal, looking at your icon and reading ‘take your clothes off’ next to it, is just hilarious.

by HannibalKing

18 years, 1 month ago

PS. Hannibal, looking at your icon and reading ‘take your clothes off’ next to it, is just hilarious.
Heh, while it lasted.. found a better idea… Yep, I'd take a Proton Pack for my b-day today… Must be something wrong with me if thats a better idea in my books…. Then again, if it were real, then it wouldn't be wrong at all.

That is my only concern actually, that it might destroy any continuity between the two. I might not be able to look at it as an extension of the first 2. Then again, as someone said before, I can look at RGB as a continuation, but still, seems different. Well, if the film is even made in the first place, anything can happen. It could not happen at all, which is a possibility, or Bill Murray could have a change of heart and do it live-action (which I seriously doubt), or it could happen and be cartooney or realistic.

Still, regardless of the style it is in, a good movie is a good movie and a bad movie is a bad movie. That's the most important part.

by mellie1

18 years, 1 month ago

Still, regardless of the style it is in, a good movie is a good movie and a bad movie is a bad movie. That's the most important part.


*hands over a crunch bar*
you…..you've earned it

by matthew1

18 years, 1 month ago

But the style will be a massive factor on whether this will be a good or a bad movie. If they choose a design that doesn't work then this won't be a good movie.

by sandmanfvr

18 years, 1 month ago

GB3 is up on www.ign.com and they say something I HOPE is their opinion. They say that the “hell story” may not be used, to keep it family friendly.

by slimer3881

18 years, 1 month ago

eh, well the style is the least of my worries. ok, maybe it is. i mean i wouldnt want a distorted computer generated Bill Murray complete with a enormous nose and big forehead on the big screen. if they do go that route, atleast there will be a hefty script with witty dialouge to fill in the gaps for bad character design. the characters can look like bugs, but whats the main topic here? a NEW GB movie. something we've been wishing for since 1989, even if it is going to be computer animated, we're getting our wish granted of a new film being made. and its sure better than nothing.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, that's just IGN's opinion. I've been going there for years, and one thing you can't trust is their film news. I remember they said that Hugo Weaving had signed on to play Wonka then a few months later there were pics of Depp doing the hat. IGN is only reliable for video games. BUT, Hilary Goldstein's guess about it being more family oriented is just general common sense.

I won't be mad with a CG film but I would rather a Live action film or CG tv show.

I wonder if Bill would accept and do a live action film if Sony offered him a very large amount of money.

by slimer3881

18 years, 1 month ago

were not even sure, if this is really happening though. i mean it is ONLY Dan's words. we'll have to wait till someone snags an interview with Ivan or Harold.