Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by nickonline

18 years, 1 month ago

Just wondering, would u rather there have not been a Star Wars Episode I, II, or III? As they are the most universally hated but I personally think each was good in it's own right

Wow, great example. Absolutely would rather there had not been those three movies. I love the original three, but I'm not a fanboy in any sense. I dont have posters, I don't particularly care about the CGI enhancements to the originals, I don't own stormtrooper armor, etc, etc.

My girlfriend had never seen ANY of them, so I sat her down and we started with the originals, which she of course loved. And then on to the prequels. We barely made it through the first two, which I hadn't seen since I saw them in the theaters and now I knew why. So, sooo bad.

But you've got a good point here. Some people want good films. Other people will take anything with their franchise in the title. I've always said I do not want another GB movie unless it's good. Thank god that Stiller/Will Smith version never got made. Ugh.

by matthew1

18 years, 1 month ago

I'd rather have nothing than a bad movie. That's not to say this film will be bad though.

Just wondering, would u rather there have not been a Star Wars Episode I, II, or III? As they are the most universally hated but I personally think each was good in it's own right

I emailed Ernie Hudson last night to ask him if he knows anything about the proposed project, whether he'd lend his voice to a CGI version of his character and what his thoughts are in turning Ghostbusters into a CGI movie compared to live action.

Ernie's very good at replying to his fans over the net so hopefully he'll respond. I'll copy paste his reply if and when I get it.

Very cool. Here's hoping for a positive reply.

I'm not into Star Wars at all. I've never even bothered watching the original three. While alot of kids were playing with their Kenner Star Wars figures I was playing with the Kenner Real Ghostbusters toys!

by mellie1

18 years, 1 month ago

while i know I'm certainly not a majority with my feeling on these pre-qual sequal deals, I personally really like the new SW trilogy…I“m no hardcore SW fan but i do have a costume and lightsabres :p …completely beside the point though…haha…

I also really like all of the GB stuff so far, the original movieS yes..both of them…I love GB2 just as much as GB1…I love RGB and while I lived under a rock when EGB came out, I have since watched a lot of it, and I love it too…loved the comics…etc…I guess I'm just a weirdo…lol…but If this goes through I'll probably love it too :p

not to say that there is no way for it to be bad….I mean..I love Catwoman…but HATED the halle berry movie…ok…not hated…lets just say…it was worth the free rental…and that's all…it wasn't catwoman at all…except fer her being a woman….who acted like a cat…all kinds of wrong with that one. But for this to be that kind of bad it would have to be completely different characgters called GB and they do paranormal investigations…but have no proton packs…no containment unit…etc etc…lol…or end up being a movie about filmation GBs….lmao…(even though i did like that show as a kid….it's not Dan's GBs)

I think I”m rambling now…so I'll stop :p

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

“Universally hated” is to general. I love the new SW films, all of them.

Same here, but most people don't. Especially ones over at theforce.

Wow, great example. Absolutely would rather there had not been those three movies. I love the original three, but I'm not a fanboy in any sense. I dont have posters, I don't particularly care about the CGI enhancements to the originals, I don't own stormtrooper armor, etc, etc.

My girlfriend had never seen ANY of them, so I sat her down and we started with the originals, which she of course loved. And then on to the prequels. We barely made it through the first two, which I hadn't seen since I saw them in the theaters and now I knew why. So, sooo bad.
But you've got a good point here. Some people want good films. Other people will take anything with their franchise in the title. I've always said I do not want another GB movie unless it's good. Thank god that Stiller/Will Smith version never got made. Ugh.
I love the changes, I would have hate to sit through the OT and see all of the lightsabers white and colorless like they originally were. Not to mention that Rat Jaba

I'm not into Star Wars at all. I've never even bothered watching the original three. While alot of kids were playing with their Kenner Star Wars figures I was playing with the Kenner Real Ghostbusters toys!

You have no idea what you're missing (*egon)

while i know I'm certainly not a majority with my feeling on these pre-qual sequal deals, I personally really like the new SW trilogy…I“m no hardcore SW fan but i do have a costume and lightsabres :p …completely beside the point though…haha…

I also really like all of the GB stuff so far, the original movieS yes..both of them…I love GB2 just as much as GB1…I love RGB and while I lived under a rock when EGB came out, I have since watched a lot of it, and I love it too…loved the comics…etc…I guess I'm just a weirdo…lol…but If this goes through I'll probably love it too :p

not to say that there is no way for it to be bad….I mean..I love Catwoman…but HATED the halle berry movie…ok…not hated…lets just say…it was worth the free rental…and that's all…it wasn't catwoman at all…except fer her being a woman….who acted like a cat…all kinds of wrong with that one. But for this to be that kind of bad it would have to be completely different characgters called GB and they do paranormal investigations…but have no proton packs…no containment unit…etc etc…lol…or end up being a movie about filmation GBs….lmao…(even though i did like that show as a kid….it's not Dan's GBs)

I think I”m rambling now…so I'll stop :p

I would not see a Filmation GB movie, I hope that will never happens. I'd riot. I didn't like XGB either, it was just like Batman Beyond. However, I might settle for a GB movie with them training new guys, although probably not.

So in the end, I'd rather a CG GB movie with the originals than a live action one with new GBs like Will Smith, Vince Vaughn, and Jack Black. I can only imagine how much that would tarnish the name.

Vaughn as Venkman carbon copy, Will Smith as Winston carbon copy, Jack Black as Stantz carbon copy. Make it stop!

by fixer791

18 years, 1 month ago

Very cool. Here's hoping for a positive reply.

Let's all keep our fingers crossed…
I sure hope Ernie's enthousiastic about the whole thing!

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

I'm sure he is. He was at comic-con last year and someone asked him if he'd do another and he said he'd love to.

Ernie, Dan, and Ramis are always enthusiastic about doing more Ghostbusters stuff.

by Zombie

18 years, 1 month ago

According to what I've heard in this upcoming film the boys go to an evil version of Manhattan, kinda like in the RGB episode “Flip Side”
So what I'm curious about is that will we see Peoplebusters in this film?
Would be awesome to see them in 3D

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 1 month ago

ugh that would be so lame (*egon)

by 9sam11

18 years, 1 month ago

omfg this just made my day! God damn i hope this is true! Not only will we get a new gb film but think of the merchandise that will come out of this ! Ghostbusters the action figure , Ghostbusters the tv show , Ghostbusters the flame thrower etc.! Im siked.

by robertknippels1

18 years, 1 month ago

I will ask if ernie hudson knows more about this project because 10th march he will be on a convention in Holland.

Best regards,
