Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by Mattman11

18 years, 1 month ago

Lets not lose faith here guys. I mean Dan made the announcement not too long ago. Do we expect there to be a flood of ground breaking info everytime we go a couple days?

I know weve been let down a million times previously, but if we stay positive I know we'll get something. Just dont go throwing in the towel yet. We can get through this.

Knowing Dan he probably let the info slip just to get public interest up and we'll be hearing an official announcement once we get more buzz going.

by fixer791

18 years, 1 month ago

IH! A moderator! Quick, get your clothes back on, everyone!


Only joking, Kingpin
anyway… We're really getting off-topic here…

fixer, what have i told you about having naked parties without me???

Sorry there, Jay… Won't happen again

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

Lets not lose faith here guys. I mean Dan made the announcement not too long ago. Do we expect there to be a flood of ground breaking info everytime we go a couple days?

I know weve been let down a million times previously, but if we stay positive I know we'll get something. Just dont go throwing in the towel yet. We can get through this.

Knowing Dan he probably let the info slip just to get public interest up and we'll be hearing an official announcement once we get more buzz going.

Heh, heaven knows it takes more then a week to make a CGI film and game. :p

It'll likely take a month at least to finish pre-visualisation… so chances are, we might see something nearer the end of the year.

It is a stretch of time to wait, but if these get released then the patience and time waited will be worth it.

by Mattman11

18 years, 1 month ago

Agreed Kingpin. I think we've waited a long time indeed, but whats a few more weeks?

I think we can keep interest up atleast another month or two before we start calling the whole thing a hoax. I think we owe it to the franchise and the community as a whole to get out there and help get the word out about a possible new film and new game. Help stir interest again and get people wondering about it. Maybe with a lil bit of elbo grease we might be able to get this thing to budge and get a lil info.

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

I think we can keep interest up atleast another month or two before we start calling the whole thing a hoax.

Heh, I'll try see how long it was back before the comic came out when people started saying that it was a hoax.

And yeah, keep interest in it… even if it's mocking up posters and game box artwork.

by sandmanfvr

18 years, 1 month ago

Why lose interest? Over this past week, two sites have posted the news, and IGN is a big site. I think the new is spreading and the momentum is just going to grow.

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

Why lose interest? Over this past week, two sites have posted the news, and IGN is a big site. I think the new is spreading and the momentum is just going to grow.

Heh, well… given IGN's last article relating to Ghostbusters… and the problems resulting from it, I can understand why it may have gone down in some people's respect. :p

by heslimedme251

18 years, 1 month ago

man if they are going to do this they should remake GB1 and 2 into CGI


I hate that idea whenever anyone suggests it, why remake something if it doesn't need it! If it aint broke, why fix it? Modern audiences already have a warped view of Original and Remake and i don't want the originals being clouded from a new generation. I for one am still waiting to put my judgement on this new CGI idea, i'm excited about the prospect but I'm still unsure wether it'd be the best option. But once we know more and get a taste (in a few years time) then we'll see. Though i will still watch it…i can't help it, i'll just pop in there!


by mellie1

18 years, 1 month ago

interest not lost here, but there isn't much to talk about yet..lol..not until someone finds a new article/interview, or we got some more info.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Why lose interest? Over this past week, two sites have posted the news, and IGN is a big site. I think the new is spreading and the momentum is just going to grow.

Heh, well… given IGN's last article relating to Ghostbusters… and the problems resulting from it, I can understand why it may have gone down in some people's respect. :p

What problem resulted from it?

But either way, IGN is not a reliable movie site.