Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by slimer3881

18 years ago

yeah i love how this thread went from being about a possible Ghostbusters 3 to a goofball fest of people cyber stripping.

by fome

18 years ago

don't feel much like celebrating now since Gh0stbuster can't join the party

by fusi0n1

18 years ago

Wow, this topic certainly went in all directions, and has almost come full circle!

And yeah, I'm not jumping up and down just yet. Just did it for a few minutes in my head. I'm waiting for something concrete (I never get excited about things like this, saves the disappointment if it's canned)

Take a look at my sig. I wanted a GB3, and it looks like it may actually happen… so be good, for goodness sakes! Woah, somebody's coming!

by heslimedme251

18 years ago

Hmmm…any updates? Guess it's been abandoned!

Heh. Don't ya hate them posts! Gah. Anyway, i'm happy there has been some development from a year ago. The fact that Murray is even remotely linked to this thing is a good sign. I still have my doubts, but this is a big step! Now for the inevitably loooooong wait!


by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

I read in an interview with Ramis that Bill was bitter. He doesn't talk to him, and refuses to answer all of his calls.

Well how would they get along doing this together.

by fixer791

18 years ago

I read in an interview with Ramis that Bill was bitter. He doesn't talk to him, and refuses to answer all of his calls.


I sure hope THAT won't cause any problems…
Was it a recent interview, King? Did it say what the bitterness was about?

by HannibalKing

18 years ago

yeah i love how this thread went from being about a possible Ghostbusters 3 to a goofball fest of people cyber stripping.

I blame myself…

by slimer3881

18 years ago

so do i. (*peter)

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

I read in an interview with Ramis that Bill was bitter. He doesn't talk to him, and refuses to answer all of his calls.


I sure hope THAT won't cause any problems…
Was it a recent interview, King? Did it say what the bitterness was about?

Nah, it was actually from '05, if I recall correctly. So they definitely could have sorted things out by then.

by fixer791

18 years ago

Nah, it was actually from '05, if I recall correctly. So they definitely could have sorted things out by then.

I sure dang hope so!
That Bill's quite a character, isn't he…