18 years ago
18 years ago
18 years ago
thats a good sign. but it has been 2 weeks. without any confirmation. if we dont hear anything in the next moth, we can look at it as another of Dan being overly excited over nothing.
18 years ago
18 years ago
18 years ago
ok…umm…I guess I dont' have to read back to “catch up” then.
Just thought I'd throw this out there. This news is certainly making its way to the “straights”. I had one of my customers tell ME that this was being made.
started with a convo about how much crack Sony is on with the PS3 and PSP…he said it would be better if they sold the UMD with the dvd of movies, and the only one we have in our store is GHOSTBUSTERS!!! so I commented that the only one i knew of was done of the greatest movie ever, GB, and he said, ‘oh yeah, did u know they’re making another one?" so of course, I told me I knew, etc, etc.
So, anyways, I just thought that was neat to have someone offline, who is not a huge gb fan, to tell me about it.
18 years ago
true. but im just sayin i have my doubts. i'm still excited, none the less.
18 years ago
ok…umm…I guess I dont' have to read back to “catch up” then.
Just thought I'd throw this out there. This news is certainly making its way to the “straights”. I had one of my customers tell ME that this was being made.
started with a convo about how much crack Sony is on with the PS3 and PSP…he said it would be better if they sold the UMD with the dvd of movies, and the only one we have in our store is GHOSTBUSTERS!!! so I commented that the only one i knew of was done of the greatest movie ever, GB, and he said, ‘oh yeah, did u know they’re making another one?" so of course, I told me I knew, etc, etc.
So, anyways, I just thought that was neat to have someone offline, who is not a huge gb fan, to tell me about it.
Heh, two people informed me (independently of each other) of the production of the new game (Sadly not the rumors of a film, but just as amusing).
When it reaches the obscure corners of your social life you know it's had quite the impact. (Not that my friends are obscure)
As for no word? I think some of us… not to name names have been spoiled a little by our 24 hour, seven days a week 365 a year online lifestyle of instant gratification. :p Production can last from several months to full on years… and while this isn't absolute proof, maybe they're not commenting because either they don't want to or presently can't.
18 years ago
18 years ago
Not to be a wet blanket, but I frequent SciFi Portal and's SciFiWire… nary a buzz on GB3. If there was any solid validity, they'd have said something (;_:-(