Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by fusi0n1

18 years, 1 month ago

May have to change your sig soon, eh PC?
I don't need to change mine!

This is awesome news, but I'm not getting too excited just yet.

by HannibalKing

18 years, 1 month ago

While I dont want to get my hopes up until its officially announced, I still can't help but get all giddy, heck I wrote a freaking blog about it and changed my song on myspace just because of it. I rarely create blogs so its a big thing… Besides, unlike all the other news I got my hopes up for that never came to be, this came directly from the mouth of the man himself. Until then and it's release, at least there is a lot of stuff to tide me over. Die Hard 4, Spider-Man 3, The Dark Knight, The Man of Steel… it's all good.

by misfit1

18 years, 1 month ago

hmm, looking at Hudsons track record with voice acting for cartoons, what do you think the odds of him getting the job are?

I really hope he does though.

by sandmanfvr

18 years, 1 month ago

The thing about all this is not that I doubt the CG or what not, but CG is great for evironments, effects, lava, liquid, etc etc etc. But, CG and human characters, you either have cartoony or something you know isn't real. *sigh* I guess I am the only person in this thread that isn't having a joygasm over this. I just have seen to many CG crap go bad and I don't want Ghostbusters, what I grew up on and what made be get into REAL paranormal investigation be screwed up. Anybody like to comment on that? Kind of alone on this……

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago


*tries to calm down*

This is just too great, sure live action is the best, but CGI will do just great. We want get Final Fantasy or Polar Express CG. Oh this is too amazing. Ghostbusters are FINALLY back in business.

But here's hoping it is actually greenlit.

by HannibalKing

18 years, 1 month ago

If it doesnt go forward, I'm sorry. I've been relaying the news all over the place so I feel like I'm going to jinx it or something, lol. Although Ive been making sure I'm not saying its a done deal, just that they are looking to do it.

Which I think is the important thing to remember. Yes, GB3 is alive, but that doesn't mean it will stay that way. *Crosses fingers* that'll it'll see the light of day.

All I ask for is a Ghostbusters 3. Since my Birthday is on Tuesday the 6th, then please God/Allah/Oprah/Donald Trump/Jor-El, give me a great birthday present.

by Dr.D

18 years, 1 month ago

Yes, lets all pray to Jor-El. (*peter)

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

Yes, lets all pray to Jor-El. (*peter)

No, we pray to Zod that it'll come true. :p

by HannibalKing

18 years, 1 month ago

Speaking of Zod, I wouldn't mind having Terrance Stamp do a voice in GB3. He has a great voice and he's a spectacular actor.

Lol, reading all the talk about the news and how some people (mainly AICN readers) don't want CGI but a live action version and that Murray would only do it this way, well… It'd be funny if it was live action but Murray was CGI, as a ghost or whatever lol.

I'm not saying its a good idea or an idea at all lol, it was just a funny thought I had.

by DocFritz

18 years, 1 month ago

For those wondering about likeness issues, there was this interesting tidbit posted by Zedd (Shannon) on GBHQ:


Posted: Thu Feb 01 2007 07:02 PM

I got to meet and follow Dan Aykroyd around for a bit today. He signed my dvd for me It's cute actually - he put “Shannon - report all ghosts Dan Aykroyd (Ray)”.

We were talking a bit about a new ghostbusters film as well - quite interesting

Posted: Fri Feb 02 2007 01:15 AM

Oh he was so much fun - very pillowy soft! I was pushed into him a couple times to have my picture taken with him. Friendly and fun he talked about Blues Brothers, SNL, Second City and Ghostbusters!

As for Ghostbusters 3 - (I'll have the audio for you in a day or two) he said they plan on making an animated Ghostbusters movie. Sorta CGI-ish. The characters will be based off the cartoon rather than the movie because “Billy” won't be in a live action film, however he will record his voice.

So not a lot but a little insight
(Emphasis added)

I expect more than one cartoon hater to scream bloody murder at the thought

Anyway, I refuse to get very excited about it yet. Give me more to be excited about first.