Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by Kingpin

18 years ago

any news on this? I hope this didnt die

Movie Production. Takes Time. News not expect for a while.

And that's hoping production is going ahead.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

I wasn't even expecting production news, just more confirmation news. If GB3 CG really is being made, none of the team must be excited about it. Think about it, if a new GB movie was being made, the cast would be making some mention of it in the media. Everytime I see a new interview with George Lucas he says “I can't wait for filming to begin on Indiana Jones IV”. There was an interview with Harrison Ford not too long ago and he made the small comment, “well it's time to see if the pants still fit for Indy”. I mean, we haven't heard Ramis, Hudson, or most importantly, Murray say a single word about it! Know wha'da mean.

Edit: Well besides Ms. Weaver flat out telling us that she wants nothing to do with Ghostbusters anymore.

by fixer791

18 years ago

If GB3 CG really is being made, none of the team must be excited about it. Think about it, if a new GB movie was being made, the cast would be making some mention of it in the media.

On the other hand -and I'm kinda hoping this- it's also true that in some cases, the production is well under way but veiled in secrecy. Maybe cast and crew signed a non-disclosure agreement and they're working on it under a false, uninteresting name to throw people off…

In fact a lot of sequels are treated this way… Return of the Jedi was made under the name ‘Blue Harvest: Horror beyond imagination’, Back to the Future II hid under the name ‘Paradox’ and the fake working title of Gremlins II was ‘Monolith’…

I don't know… I'm just saying that the fact that cast and crew keep silent doesn't mean a thing…
At least, I hope…

Let's all hope that somewhere, some animation team is working on the project ‘Extinguishing Lucifer’ or ‘Fighting the fire down below’

by JerseyDevil

18 years ago

any news on this? I hope this didnt die

Movie Production. Takes Time. News not expect for a while.

And that's hoping production is going ahead.

As with many biz transactions, there a great deal of negotiation, paper-shuffling & contract signing the takes up time. Try reading an average contract; I fell asleep before finishing my last copy. Red tape BS.

by sandmanfvr

18 years ago

Yes, there should be stuff being said. Sign non disclosure? Not to sound like I am flaming you, but that is dumb. You don't generate hype and revenue for a movie by being quiet about it.

by Kingpin

18 years ago

They don't do movies like they used to, plenty of us saw how Sebastien Clavet had to backtrack when he got a bit too eager to post things before the comic came out… something similar may have happened with ZootFly and their game announcement… I can see it happening, Sony is pretty watchful when it comes to the Ghostbusters franchise.

But let's stop asuming people are doing things when we're not in position to know, willingness to do a CGI film is not evidence of cast members not being excited for a new project.

“Absence of proof is not proof of absence.”

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

I know, just have my doubts as this isn't the first time I've ever heard of a 3rd one.

by fixer791

18 years ago

Sign non disclosure? Not to sound like I am flaming you, but that is dumb. You don't generate hype and revenue for a movie by being quiet about it.

I didn't say that was the only possibility, Sandman. I just said it's something that might have happened, based on my personal experience. Just searching for a reason thing's have been quiet…

Hyping is good… You're absolutely, right. But don't forget, overhyping is not good.
Sometimes, the audience is hyped up for years about a project. Then, when the darn thing's finally finished and released, people are disappointed because the expectations've grown too high…

But anyway… Like Ben said… Let's stop assuming and wait.
Like commissioner Gordon said in the first Burton Batman movie:
“I don't know… Until we do- let's keep a lid on it”

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Sign non disclosure? Not to sound like I am flaming you, but that is dumb. You don't generate hype and revenue for a movie by being quiet about it.

I didn't say that was the only possibility, Sandman. I just said it's something that might have happened, based on my personal experience. Just searching for a reason thing's have been quiet…

Hyping is good… You're absolutely, right. But don't forget, overhyping is not good.
Sometimes, the audience is hyped up for years about a project. Then, when the darn thing's finally finished and released, people are disappointed because the expectations've grown too high…

But anyway… Like Ben said… Let's stop assuming and wait.
Like commissioner Gordon said in the first Burton Batman movie:
“I don't know… Until we do- let's keep a lid on it”

Star Wars Episode I comes to mind, but the movie just being plain out bad didn't help either. :p

by sandmanfvr

18 years ago

Like I said, to me, it will happen when it happens. We got the Ghostbusters Generation trailer on the horizon, then both Ghostbusters Generation and Return of The Ghostbusters coming out soon. If we don't get a GB3, then we have good stuff coming.