Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by Sp9543

18 years ago

Like I said, to me, it will happen when it happens. We got the Ghostbusters Generation trailer on the horizon, then both Ghostbusters Generation and Return of The Ghostbusters coming out soon. If we don't get a GB3, then we have good stuff coming.
or everyone could watch Ghostbusters: On Call right now! http://www.myspace.com/gboncall the entire movie is up on this myspace. it is split up into four youtubes, so make sure to watch them all!!! I think you guys will like it.

P.S. Think Reno911 meets Ghostbusters!

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

As long as the jokes are better than Reno :p

by ddayhawk

17 years, 11 months ago

my question is this, do you think they are going to base the characters from the movies or from the cartoon?

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 11 months ago

Movie o'course. Dan and Ray wouldn't voice their RGB counterparts.

by ddayhawk

17 years, 11 months ago

well that may be true, but i bet when people hear about this they will be wondering why they dont look like the old cartoon ones since its CG

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

Didn't one of the recent interviews say they'd be taking cues from the cartoon?

by DocFritz

17 years, 11 months ago

Didn't one of the recent interviews say they'd be taking cues from the cartoon?

Back on page 2 of this thread, from something Zedd wrote on GBHQ:

Zedd on GBHQ
As for Ghostbusters 3 - (I'll have the audio for you in a day or two) he said they plan on making an animated Ghostbusters movie. Sorta CGI-ish. The characters will be based off the cartoon rather than the movie because “Billy” won't be in a live action film, however he will record his voice.

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

Thanks Fritz, exactly what I was talking about.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 11 months ago

I refuse to believe that. Basically that would just be RGB in CGI. God, that would suck so much as a feature film. Now there's no doubt in my mind it'll be kiddified to death if that really does happen(I doubt).

And if it's RGB gone CGI then WTF is the point of bringing in the actual cast? They could have done some s**t like that in the 90s and put it on DVD.

I can't imagine the Real Ghostbusters style designs in a film where they enter hell.

Talk about uninspired garbage.


I'm finish now.

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

I refuse to believe that. Basically that would just be RGB in CGI. God, that would suck so much as a feature film. Now there's no doubt in my mind it'll be kiddified to death if that really does happen(I doubt).

That's sensationalistic. We don't even know the full extent yet and you're jumping to conclusions. The operative phrase is ‘based off of the cartoon’, not ‘identical to the cartoon’.

And if it's RGB gone CGI then WTF is the point of bringing in the actual cast? They could have done some s**t like that in the 90s and put it on DVD.

I can't imagine the Real Ghostbusters style designs in a film where they enter hell.

Talk about uninspired garbage.


I'm finish now.

I can imagine it, I could imagine something with a homage to RGB but being a heck of a lot more mature and realistic.

Don't forget, the RGB Containment Unit appeared in Legion, not to mention a RGB-eque Egon for one panel… did that suck for you?