Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by fixer791

18 years, 1 month ago

OMG! Who'd have thought?
And I was hyped up when I heared about the upcoming TMNT film in CG… But that news was NOTHING compared to THIS!

Still… couldn't they still do it live action and with Jim Belushi? Murray could dub his voice…

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 1 month ago

I always thought we would see a Ghostbusters III-D movie.
In this way they could bring back the GB's as we remember them and hopefully we won't see any new GB recruits into the story.
Since it's CGI they can do anything what they want.
It's also great that Dan Aykroyd still after all these year's trying to make a third GB movie and still looking for a way to bring back Bill Murray even if he won't do a live action movie.

Still it's to early what we can expect about this CGI movie but since it takes 2 - 3 years to make we won't see it before 2010 or maybe they trying to make it quicker for a release in late 2009 for GB 25th anniversary.

So, there will be a lot of excitement in the next years when it will be official announced by the studio.

by HannibalKing

18 years, 1 month ago

Never thought about that, they have to release it in 3D. Watching Superman Returns in 3d was amazing because the select scenes they showed in 3d made it feel just like I was in the movie. Being the huge Superman geek I am (after all, he's my number 1), it was just a dream come true. I couldn't even imagine a whole GB film in 3d. Talk about dying happy.

Now I just hope Lucas is still planning to release all the Star Wars films in 3D.

by matthew1

18 years, 1 month ago

I don't think this CGI film will work if the characters look cartoony. They need to look as realistic as possible.

I think this movie needs to set a new standard in CGI. It needs to look more realsitic than Shrek, Toy Story, The Incredibles. Thst would be completely the wrong look for Ghostbusters III. I'd say even better than Polar Express or Final Fantasy which looked amazing.

GHostbusters III really needs to heighten the bar on computer generated effects is it's going to work sufficiently.

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

Do a little dance or something, but let's not get ahead of our selves too much, just yet.

ok everybody… shake that booty!





The thing about all this is not that I doubt the CG or what not, but CG is great for evironments, effects, lava, liquid, etc etc etc. But, CG and human characters, you either have cartoony or something you know isn't real. *sigh* I guess I am the only person in this thread that isn't having a joygasm over this. I just have seen to many CG crap go bad and I don't want Ghostbusters, what I grew up on and what made be get into REAL paranormal investigation be screwed up. Anybody like to comment on that? Kind of alone on this……

joygasm lol… well I feel kind of the same but hey, keep in mind that it's better than nothing and it's Ghostbusters

All I ask for is a Ghostbusters 3. Since my Birthday is on Tuesday the 6th, then please God/Allah/Oprah/Donald Trump/Jor-El, give me a great birthday present.

Oprah… and Donald Trump? what the hell can they do about it? lol

I hope that you're just joking or that it's just your over excitement because only Jor-El I can understand lol :p

Lol, reading all the talk about the news and how some people (mainly AICN readers) don't want CGI but a live action version and that Murray would only do it this way, well… It'd be funny if it was live action but Murray was CGI, as a ghost or whatever lol.

I'm not saying its a good idea or an idea at all lol, it was just a funny thought I had.

in case you didn't knew, years ago when Dan got his first ideas for Helbent he called Murray over the phone to ask him if he would be part of it and he replied that he would participate but only as a ghost lol :p

I think that a lot of people are missing a big part of this announcement, Bill Murray said that he would once again play Dr. Peter Venkman! A role that a year ago he would have wanted nothing to do with. Also, has any one stopped to think about the impact that a third movie (I know it's not comfirmed) would have on merchandising? Now more than ever we may have a chance of seeing new GB figures.

yep Billy showing interest = great news

I've been doing the happy dance all morning since reading the news.

I actually quite like the sound of CGI movie. It means they can have the original cast and not bring in new characters that might not be that good.

happy dance!

you are right but they should introduce new characters possibly for another sequel and to, as Ramis said, “pass the torch”

OMG! Who'd have thought?
And I was hyped up when I heared about the upcoming TMNT film in CG… But that news was NOTHING compared to THIS!

you bet yous @$$ it ain't!

and for my final comment, let's all celebrate a bit and hope this gets done!

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

They need to look as realistic, if not more, than Polar Express.

Maybe they could motion capture the movie like PE and Monster House!

Edit: I still can't listen to the radio show!

by rodie1

18 years, 1 month ago

I think this has great potential, I mean look at the CG Venkman they did for the video game, and that was for a video game, not a motion picture! Fix his eyes, and I'll gladly watch an entire movie of that!

by DocHoliday

18 years, 1 month ago

True…I want a realistic look. The game did a damn good job and as said the film would be even better. I wonder if doing the voice has made Bill Murray consider being in the whole thing instead of as a ghost in the end.

by Spengler7

18 years, 1 month ago

THere really must be something going on… on www.ghostbusters.com you can even download a new Ghostbusters game for your cellphone… it's really alive and it seems like it might get here faster than either of us think!

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

Doc Holiday
True…I want a realistic look. The game did a damn good job and as said the film would be even better. I wonder if doing the voice has made Bill Murray consider being in the whole thing instead of as a ghost in the end.

it wasn't Bill's idea to be a ghost at the end… he just told that on the phone to Dan as a joke in a sarcastic way to show him that he had no really interest on being part of it… then I think the idea came to Dan to write on the script that Venkman would come back as a ghost at the end, and then it was changed for a phone boot cameo, and then to nothing…

THere really must be something going on… on www.ghostbusters.com you can even download a new Ghostbusters game for your cellphone… it's really alive and it seems like it might get here faster than either of us think!

that cell phone game was released way before all these news so I don't think it had anything to do with this