Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by matthew1

18 years, 1 month ago

I think that for this movie they need to create something that we've yet to witness in CGI. Really raise the standard, you know?

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Again, I am not to excited till I see something. CGI, well, ok then. If the style sucks, then forget it.

Same. I don't wonna get let down. Waiting till I see something first.

I think that for this movie they need to create something that we've yet to witness in CGI. Really raise the standard, you know?

Precisely. BUT the problem is that Sony more than likely would not do it(create new technology and CGI) because it'd require around $200M, they wouldn't take that big a chance for a franchise that hasn't had a film in two decades. However, I don't doubt the Busters one bit.

While the chances of them making $800M and bringing in as large an audience as the first would be pretty much impossible, I could see half of that.

by mellie1

18 years, 1 month ago

wow…5 pages and even still most of it is complaining…no wonder no one wants to give us ghosthead anything…what a bunch of whiny bitches….just do ur happy dance and chill until we see something concrete….wait to complain about cg until u see a clip of what they're gonna do…the gb movies weren't geared toward kids to start with so its hard to say if they would stray from that…FF cgi is awesome and the new TMNT movie looks great in cg…i can't see anyone making a gb movie (based on rgb or not) that looks like jimmy neutron….that doesn't even make sense.

Either way….just be happy!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

new GB stuff yay!!!! (^_^)

by Guido75

18 years, 1 month ago

marry me lol

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

no Mellie is mine!



by Guido75

18 years, 1 month ago

lol we can all live together lol

by river_of_slime

18 years, 1 month ago

…Ok I have no free time…

Im seating my chair as happy as everybody else is right now about this news. So I was thinking… Dan said Sony sold Universal the game rights. Well Dreamworks works closly with Universal and they got a BIG animation company. So maybe Sony also sold movie rights or shared them with Universal/Dreamworks.

by Guido75

18 years, 1 month ago

nice thinkn tex

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Maybe so………hmmm

by Ectofiend

18 years, 1 month ago

*Wow - This is AMAZING NEWS to an old “ghosthead” like me…And I'm filled with two feelings - EXTREME JUBILATION and unnerving dread…

*Meaning that, along with other people on here, as evidenced by a SLEW of previous posts, I'm MORE THAN ELATED at the good news, but am afraid at how the proposed “All-CG” film will turn out…

*My feelings about the new “TMNT” film pretty much sum up what I'm trying to get across - While I'm happy that there's a new film in the franchise, and that it's a direct-sequel to “part 3” , the direction they took leaves much to be desired…Being AS IT'S A DIRECT SEQUEL to the previous “based-in-reality” films, with actual humans, and stunt-guys in rubber-suits, this new “stylized” take on the Turtles, human and “mutant” characters alike is a slap-in-the-face…“Suspending disbelief” is kinda hard when I'm used to seeing “flesh and blood” , and all of a sudden I'm supposed to accept these flimsy “cartoony” representations as the logical extension to the live-action universe, as-stands…Sorry - Doesn't work that way…

*Now if it was a “stand-alone” “Ninja Turtles” project for the new century, much like “Batman Begins” was for the “Batman” franchise, then I wouldn't be complaining…Unlikely I would like it better than the original films, but it would be easier to enjoy as I wouldn't be patronized, and having to accept this fake “kiddy” take on the franchise in question as canon…It would be akin to having “The Simpsons” go from animation to sub-standard live-action, and being asked to accept THAT as it's logical extension…Granted CGI has come a LOOOOOOOOOONG way, however it's still NOT a “catch-all”…

*Back to the subject at hand - If they want to do it in “All-CGI” - Which I'm not totally oppossed to - KEEP IT PHOTO-REALISTIC…Like the aforementioned “Final Fantasy” films…It would be logically keeping in-sync stylistically with the previous two films…“Stylizing it” any further than what was done in say, the “88 MPH” series - Which stuck to it's base-material AT LEAST 98% at all times, in story AND look - would be making it into a parody of itself…

*And I know alot of you here would abcolutely LOVE to see a “big-screen” almost-adaption of “The Real Ghostbusters”, however this is to be an extension of the FILM UNIVERSE, and NOT the “animated” one…And as such having it look more like said show would DEFEAT any movie-continuity, and as said before, might as well be billed as “RGB - THE MOVIE”…

*Being as though, at this moment in it's resurrected-life, is a SEQUEL, and NOT a “stand-alone” product, it HAS TO STAY TRUE TO IT'S ROOTS - In look AND feel…A nod to RGB, like what was done in the comics would not be unwelcomed…However any more than that would alienate, if nothing more - The core GB fans, “ghostheads” and even the casuals - as we know the movies for the movies and the series for the series …And inter-lapping - while sometimes fun - Should remain the exception and NOT “the rule”…

*In conclusion - It should stay to the movie-established canon…In-jokes aside…And as long as it doesn't come out looking like MAD Magazine's GB1 cartoony parody, with the CGI coming off like plastic manaquins, and the “horror/comedy” angle stuck-with, and not “watered down” for the kiddies , I'll be happy…May not be the “live-action” I was looking for, but hey - as long as they keep it in-line with the previous two - Look, style, AND FEEL, I'll be happier than a dog that just got out of being nuetered…

*That's my “two-cents”(*peter)…
