Aykroyd on a Computer Generated GB3

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

The woman with the big lips scared me lol.

Just in case you don't know, the ‘big lips’ is meant to be Mick Jagger. :p

Ectofiend: I believe it's more a sequel to TMNT II… I've read that it's meant to reference them, but I think most of us can agree that TMNT III was profoundly disappointing… and the choice for CGI was that no studio wanted to do a new TMNT film with stunt actors in foam suits.

by Dr.D

18 years, 1 month ago

Actually Kingpin, it is a sequel to three. http://tmnt.warnerbros.com/ Go to the photos section. First pic, second row.

by DocFritz

18 years, 1 month ago

wow…5 pages and even still most of it is complaining…

Indeed. Some of the narrow-mindedness on this thread is astounding and depressing. Four years ago I heard some of the same whining on the “It's Coming!” thread.

“I'll only like it if it's photo realistic and it shouldn't have anything from the cartoons because otherwise it shouldn't be called Ghostbusters 3 and it shouldn't be aimed at kids blah blah blah…”

Okay…reality checks:

I'll only like it if it's photo realistic

We don't know what it's going to look like yet. Heck, honestly we don't really know if this is even going to happen. Save the complaints, as Mellie also said, for when we have some actual material to critique.

Photo realism takes a lot more time and money. And not being photo realistic does not mean “kiddified”. We agree that making it look like Jimmy Neutron wouldn't work, but there is a middle ground. The best example I can think of is a 2-D one: the Batman cartoon from the 90's. Certainly not photo-realistic, but it didn't look like the Smurfs either.

shouldn't have anything from the cartoons

The RGB cartoon ran for seven years. It was the most successful cartoon spin-off of a movie of all time. It was a part of the GB phenomenon in the Eighties second only to the first movie itself, and brought a great many fans to the franchise. Frankly, to this day I think some of the early episodes were better thought out and written than the movie sequel, with it's retread plot and incomprehensibly stupid characterization changes.
(*janine) –He mostly means writing me like a stoned out whore

And to reiterate the above point: we only have the one reference from Aykroyd; the final result may be different. I would be overjoyed if Aykroyd himself says “We're using the cartoon likenesses because it avoids the problems with Bill AND we know lots of kids grew up with that show”. Though I honestly expect that the end result will be actor caricatures like the 88MPH comic.

because otherwise it shouldn't be called Ghostbusters 3

We don't even know if this movie will really be called Ghostbusters 3. They're clearly going into it with Aykroyd and his GB3 scenario in mind, but the end result may be completely different. I suppose if they release it simply as Ghostbusters In Hell some of you will start bitching about “But that means it's not the real GB3!!!”

I mean, after all, the new Turtle movie, while it continues the continuity of the three live action films, is NOT called TMNT 4

it shouldn't be aimed at kids

Aging fans often forget: the kids were a big part of the phenomenon. It's the exact same thing which happened to Star Wars. Kids who loved the antics of R2-D2, C-3PO, and the Ewoks in the original trilogy grew up to be adults who bitch and moan about the antics of R2-D2, C-3PO, and Jar Jar Binks in the prequels, even thought they're pretty much the same.

Should it be dumbed down or made harmless? Of course not. Lots of kids saw the first movie, and it wasn't dumbed down or harmless. That being said, it shouldn't be an R-rated gorefest either. The best way to build the fandom is to hook in the next generation: something that isn't “kiddified”, but not something the kids shouldn't be able to see either.

More than anything, though…after the iBooks and 88MPH debacles, be glad that we might be getting something.

by mellie1

18 years, 1 month ago

what u miss in a few hours …lol..

marry me lol


no Mellie is mine!




{EDIT: Just saw Fritz post just as i posted….thanks for the support…everyone is jumping to conclusions and we really have nothing to go on yet, as exciting as this is just save it…really!}

<– still doing the happy dance…..da na na na na na, da na nanana na….da na na na na na….GHOSTBUSTERS!!

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

no Mellie is mine!




you just don't have a sense of humour don't you? (slowly crawls back under his rock) (*egon)

<– still doing the happy dance…..da na na na na na, da na nanana na….da na na na na na….GHOSTBUSTERS!!

yep let's just stick to the happy dance

besides… I don't like the Sims lol :p

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

There's gonna be a problem is it's rated PG.

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

why would it be? I'd love to see a less kids-friendly Ghostbusters movie… I hate it that to every local videostore I went to rent Ghostbusters 1 and 2 in the past I get told to go find it in the children's section… :p

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

why would it be? I'd love to see a less kids-friendly Ghostbusters movie… I hate it that to every local videostore I went to rent Ghostbusters 1 and 2 in the past I get told to go find it in the children's section… :p

Same here, that's why I don't want it to be PG, it's got to be PG13. I guarantee that if Ghostbusters was re-rated by the MPAA this century, they'd give it a PG13. That's what happened with Batman.

by maskedshuuyu

18 years, 1 month ago

I must say, I'm getting so unbevieably annoyed at reading peoples threads about it being CG.

The bottom line is, Bill Murray has agreed to do it. Remember how he refused to do anything GB realted for such a long time because his love for the series and his character, he didn't want to be apart of something that would ruin the GB franchise. Yet, Dan Akyord is now onto something that he has agreed to do. So it must be a pretty damn fucking good thing if he is going to be apart of it. There isn't a shadow of doubt in my mind that GB3 will be anything but good.

by rodie1

18 years, 1 month ago

Has anyone seen http://www.renaissance-movie.com/. I never got to cuz it didn't play around me but I think this may sway a few of the people who think GB3 or Ghostbusters In Hell (good call Fritz, who's to say what it will end up being called) couldn't work in CGI. Anyways go there and watch “exclusive clip”