AZ Ghostbusters @ Children's Cancer Network Fundraiser 2/21/10

by jettajeffro

15 years ago

On Sunday, February 21, 2010, the Arizona Ghostbusters made their second appearance at the annual Children's Cancer Network Fashion Show held at the Biltmore Resort. The fashion show has been an annual fundraising event for the Children's Cancer Network first formed several years ago. Children that have aided by the Network throughout their battle with Cancer are models in the show with clothes donated by the local major stores. Various auctions and raffles along with the cost of lunch at the event all go towards the organization. Our team donated a Ghostbusters themed basket that went for $115 in the auction. Besides donating the basket, we also handed out our custom event buttons, posed for pics, and oversaw the auctions and raffle tickets. The event was a huge success and I should have a total dollar amount raised soon. We can't wait till our next event with the Children's Cancer Network. The strength these children have shown is both inspirational and humbling. These children have gone through more than many of us, but they're still kids who want to get back to just being kids, and have no intention of letting this disease get the better of them. That's the purpose of the organization and why we're proud to work with them.

Event Button

Main hall

Matt handing out buttons


Phil and Chuck on duty

Christina with one of the many assistance dogs at the event, many walked the stage with the children

Auction Basket

Model Profiles


The Team

by RealmMan

15 years ago

Ghostbusters in a ballroom… Gee, what's the worst that could happen?

Thanks for posting J. I always look forward to seeing what you and yours are up to in AZ.

by jettajeffro

14 years, 12 months ago

Thanks. It was hard to resist playing around in the ballroom before they let people in.

This was the start of a busy few weeks for us. We have 4 events in the next couple of weeks, two currently in April, then our Phoenix ComiCon in May.

by Emmettbrown1.21

14 years, 12 months ago

you guys are like the Bob Hope of Ghostbusters, awesome work fellas, I'm just really impressed with the work you and your team do out there in AZ.

by Kingpin

14 years, 12 months ago

You're sure going to be worked off your feet… bet those halos of yours need sunglasses to look at.

Seriously though, it's the stuff you do for the kids that's especially inspirational… awesome job as always Jeff, pass on my regards to the team.

by jettajeffro

14 years, 12 months ago

You're sure going to be worked off your feet

With all of these events on top of my school and work schedule that can't be more correct, which rings true for all of our members, but as always it's well worth it.

There are some events we're dragging our feet to, especially when we've had to get up at 4 am to get there when we were at an event till 11 the night before, but once that first kid or adult comes up smiling and wanting a picture, everything changes and you know you're there for the right reason.

by Kingpin

14 years, 12 months ago

but once that first kid or adult comes up smiling and wanting a picture, everything changes and you know you're there for the right reason.

There's nothing quite like it.

by Nix

14 years, 12 months ago

the Biltmore Resort

Now that's ironic.

by jettajeffro

14 years, 12 months ago

Now that's ironic.

Yep it's part of that family. We were really tempted to go into the main hotel but figured they wouldn't like that. I used to deliver pizzas there and had to take the “servant” entrance every time.