AZ Ghostbusters @ GB Themed Bookstore Night Pics 10/8/2011
by jettajeffro
13 years, 4 months ago
The Arizona Ghostbusters and Bookmans Phoenix teamed up on Saturday October 8th, 2011 to host a Ghostbusters themed night in the store. Kids worked on making Stay-Puft Marshmallow Men out of real marshmallows, coloring sheets, and ghost pops. Pin the proton stream on the ghost, ghost bean bag toss, and trivia was also played for prizes including gift certificates. A raffle for $50.00 gift cards in the store was also held for the adults. Bookmans made a $100.00 donation towards the Multiple Sclerosis Walk in November bringing our total raised so far to $700. This is our third year hosting the event and this was by far the busiest yet.
I found the box at an antique store for $5. I managed to get one complete set out. Was only 3 cards short of 2nd set. I've been handing them out at events here and there.
by Nix
13 years, 3 months ago
Oh, you got the coloring book pages too! I have a copy of it somewhere in my room…have to find it one of these days.
by jettajeffro
13 years, 3 months ago
Yeah. I got the pages from the Ghostbusters International site. Sometimes I pass out some of the puzzles from the old RGB magazines I also found on the GBI site.